forty five

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My mind has been floundering ever since I saw her face in my doorway.

"What do you want?" I replied coldly as I saw her eyes.

"Listen, I'm not here to even slap you or do some dumbass stuff again," she replies and puts her hands up, sighing.

"Then, why are you here? You're in the wrong room," I narrow my eyes at her.

"I just came here to give you this," she says and gives me a brown case.

"I'm not a trashbin," I reply and she tsks as a response.

"Right now, I'm looking at you as Jimin's girlfriend, and as an ex-bestfriend, I'm accepting that and I'm giving this to you because you need to know more about Jimin," she says everything before shoving it into my arms.

"So before we part ways I just wanna say thank you for everything and take care of Jimin," she continued and crossed her arms.

"What's in this?" I ask her.

"You'll see," she replies plainly before walking away to where the elevator is.

I shrugged before closing the door, staring down at the brown leather case, my fingers reaching for the zipper when my phone suddenly rang.

I answered it and put the phone near my ear.

"Minhyo?" A voice called.

"Hey mom," I replied.

"Go to bed now, the court will start at 7 and its already late," she said.

"Okay mom, I'll go to bed now. I'll see you tomorrow, bye," I said and she responded with a bye as well.

I hung up and sighed at the brown case on my lap.

Its an old, leather case.

I slid it under my bed before crawling under the sheets, turning the lights off before dozing off.

I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow.


"Doctor, you can't just let Dr. Park come with us, its against hospital rules!" The nurse denied as she walked behind me.

"Thats why I have a special job for you, Jinah," I replied and turned my body to face her.

"Now, listen to me closely if you don't want this operation to get messed up," I started and neared her ear, whispering to her.



It was early in the morning and I rubbed my eyes, adjusting myself to the sunlight as I got up.

I stood up from bed and walked to the kitchen, brewing myself some coffee, I took out my phone and started contacting Jimin.

Brriiing brrring brring....

"The number you dialed is unavailable at this time, please try again later."

I sighed. Is his phone in silent mode?

I came to the conclusion he might be conducting his surgery right now since he mentioned it yesterday. And I mean he may be really busy.

I walked to the bathroom and washed up, starting to get ready with the upcoming case I have with Yeonjun.

I dress in a semi-formal attire and I slip on a brown cardigan before taking my purse and exiting the room, locking it.

I took out my phone and dialed my mother, telling her to pick me up.

"Mom, I'm at the front entrance," I tell her.

"I'll be there, wait a minute."

After a few minutes of waiting, mom's car was already parked infront, waiting for me to go inside.

I entered the passenger's seat and looked at her, and she had a concerned look on her face.

"You know, I was always having a bad gut feeling for Yeonjun ever since you brought him at our house," she started as we moved out of campus.

"Yeah, never knew he'd go this far," I replied quietly.

"And I'm thankful you were responsible enough to bring this up to the police, and ex sexually harrasing you can be critical you know?" She continued and glued her eyes on the road.

I glanced at her and I see her eyes were bloodshot red, I bit my lip and kept my eyes on the moving scene on the window. She must've been worried sick.

She must be worrying for me.

"I'm proud of you for that," she paused and I kept silent.

Alot of thoughts has been clouding me at the moment.

How do I tell mom I'm dating my doctor?


"Jimin, get ready and wait outside the emergency room," said the nurse as I started to slip in the surgical clothes.

"Jimin, don't worry and your mother will be good in no time," Seokjin said and put on a mask on his mouth and nose.

Everyone was dressing up for the surgery, we washed our hands and we wore a cap on our heads to prevent hair from getting in the way.

"And switch your phones to silent mode," Seokjin said and I nodded, I switched it beforehand.

"Lets go," he said and walked out of the dressing room, the nurses following him and I was the last one to go out.

We were about to go inside the operation room when I felt a strong force pushing me back.

"Wait!" I said but the group infront of me kept walking.

Except Seokjin who only looked back at me once then turned to the front, whispering something to the nurse.

And the nurse approached me, but instead she closed the doors, locking me outside.

The force on my arms pulled me to somewhere dark and crowded, before I heard voices echoing.

"We're sorry," they said before slamming the door shut.

I ran to it and punched the door, making a ruckus loud enough to be heard.

"Open up! Open up!" I cried before kicking it, doing my best to hold back the tears in my eyes.



First of all, don't force me to write the details of the smut.

Do you know how uncomfortable it is to write smut and read it in the future? Do you know how I would even feel of writing this? Forcing me to write smut is like me regretting writing books for y'all to read. I only need people who love and support my books despite this situation. This is all I'm gonna need from all of you, don't force me. I'm a clean author who listens to my readers' opinons and they get disturbed as well. The only good solution is to make the smut censored. So there is the exit for those people who don't appreciate all the hardwork I do.

And some authors also write censored smut even though they are adults. So don't force me because I'm yOuNgEr thaN yOu, I'm still your author-nim and I can do whatever I want so give me your respect atleast. Respect my works and don't ask for more, I spend my time making a chapter or two so appreciate that.

After this book imma have full updates on my other books cuz I have lots of time and stay safe wear y'all masks ily💜💜💜

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