forty nine pt.2

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I arrived home that night, I got discharged from the hospital and they let me keep Jimin's file since they didn't need it anymore.

"Minhyo, I'm making dinner. I'll call you to come down," mom said and I nodded.

I walked upstairs and entered my bedroom, it was still the same as it is when I left this room for the so-called dorm.

I sat on my bed and stared at the file that I was holding. Tears fored in my eyes and I wiped them.

I stared at the bookshelf and my eyes fell on a black book that was at the very end. Tucked between my old workbooks.

Isn't that... familiar?

Its been long since I even touched that part of my bookshelf. I've been too caught up with school that I didn't even notice it.

I walked towards it and took the black book, it was surrounded by dust but I managed to clean it up a little with the wet wipes on my dresser.

I opened the book and look at the first page, written in colored pencils in a somewhat scrawny penmanship.


by: Minhyo Kim and Jimin Park

I flipped the first page, tears pooling in my eyes as I read the first page.

Once upon a time. In a town full of lights, was a boy. His hair as dark as night, and his eyes so bright. He walked by the fields that bore wheat, a pen in his hand and some paper in the other.

He stopped by the river that shone like moon's glitter. He squatted down and put in words he could decipher.

"I have many wishes to jot down and have, but how do I have them? When I'm just a homeless little boy?" He asked himself as he wrote down his wish.

"A wish? What kind of wish?" A voice asked sat beside him.

"I fell in love," he answered and the voice replied.

"With whom, if I may ask?" She asks and I nod.

"She was so beautiful. And I met her one night, she wore a yellow dress and had white flowers on her hair, and I wrote my wish, and she sat there beside me, but it was only one night," he said.

"Oh really? I may grant you that wish," the voice replied before her voice melted. "But may I remind you, she's a child full of wonder, who only shows up at night."

And out came from the waters, was the girl in a yellow dress, white flowers on her hair as she stared at the boy, with eyes so wide.

"Oh my! Its you!" He exclaimed and she smiled at him.

Every night the boy would play with the girl whom he met by the river. She would know all his wishes and fun adventures. They would play hide and seek and play ball. His wishes came true, from the first to the latest and he was happy, and she was happy.

But one day she disappeared. And the boy never saw her for three nights. When he sniffed and sighed, he sat alone by the river, writing his wishes again.

He spotted a fisherman who happened to fish here for the first time. He ran to him, wondering if he had seen the little girl.

"Sir, if I may ask, have you seen a girl around?" He asks the elder man.

"Ah, come aboard and I will tell you," he said and the little boy hopped aboard.

The sailed in the middle of the river and he casted his rod before saying.

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