twenty five

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My eyes couldn't believe what was happening infront of me at that moment.

"How did you-," she squinted her eyes and scanned my face, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

"M-Minhyo? What are you doing here?" She whisper-screamed at me, scared of waking the blonde boy up.

"You never told me you dated Jimin!" I replied in whisper-scream.

"I thought I once told you that I once dated a med student!" She whispered back.

"Yeah but I never knew it'd be Jimin!" I exclaimed.

"I thought you went to the States!" I said.

"Well, sorry but I convinced dad I'd stay here, specifically with my ex-boyfriend," she narrowed her eyes.

"So you were like 15 when you dated him?" I asked.

"Yeah, surprised much? Never knew I'd see my so-called bestfriend under the sheets with my former lover!" She replied as she crossed her arms.

My heart shattered by her words.

Never knew my bestfriend, the only bestfriend that stayed by my side during my years of depression is leaving me.

"But seriously Minhyo, you never knew the true story between me and him, we were madly in love, didn't know why he broke up with me, but I'm still in love with him," she checked her nails as she side eyed me.

"I thought you never knew who Jimin is! Even called him a hot doctor," I cocked an eyebrow.

"Pretended like I never knew him, when I heard you were rooming with him, I trusted you that you wouldn't be even talking to him or doing some intimate stuff with him, but you just had to be a hoe after Yeonjun broke up with you," she spat.

Thats it. If you can speak trash about me, I'll spit a whole garbage truck at you.

"Hoe? Ari I never even said some cruel stuff after you left! I almost made a fool out of myself searching to death for you! You even hung up at me like it wasn't a big deal? Is that what you do to bestfriends?" I replied.

"Well, for former bestfriends? Yes," she rolled her eyes.

"Ari, what happened to you? You were never like this," I said in a stern voice.

"I chose between friendship and love, but guess what I chose?" She crossed her arms.

"I want Jimin back. I don't care how many years it has been since we were apart, but I'll do anything to have him back, and he'll want me back, because I always get what I want," she muttered as she narrowed her eyes.

I was about to reply but a groan came from the sleeping blonde.

He slowly opened his eyes and stretched, the sunlight hitting his bare top as his eyes landed to me.

"Minhyo? What are you doing up so early in the morning?" He asked.

"Jiminie darling you're awake!" Ari squeaked as she fiddled with her fingers.

"What the heck?" Jimin said as he turned to meet the brown-haired girl.

"Who in the freaking world told you to get in here?! Get out before I kick you out of this house," Jimin spat as he made a distance between the two of them.

"But Jimin, you're mother was so happy to have me here! It'll be a-," she said but was cut off.

"Get. Out." Jimin gritted as anger filled him up to the brim.

Ari stood up with her head down, shooting me a scowl before walking towards the door and shutting it harshly.

I buried my face in the duvet accompanied with my sobs.

It hurts again.

I never knew she's be the next person to leave me.

"Minhyo? What's wrong?" Jimin asked as he wrapped his arms around me, engulfing me into a tight hug.

I was silent, my tears streaming down my eyes as I cried.

But then, I remembered Jimin.

Freaking Jimin.

"This is all your fault," I sobbed.

"What? What happened?" He asked as he made me lift my head up.

"If I didn't do this, I wouldn't be losing another person I love!" I said as I shoved myself away from his chest.

"Minhyo, what do you mean? Listen to me," Jimin said, his voice still calm.

"Get away from me! I don't wanna-," I was about to say something but I was cut off by a pair of warm lips.

The same plump and pink lips from last night.

"Listen to me if you don't want your heart to break even more," he said softly as he held my hands.

I looked down at our intertwined hands and my eyes scanned to his abs, his chest, and his face.

His messed up blonde locks and chocolate brown eyes were too irresistable to not notice.

"I admit, I heard everything, the conversation, and the arguement, I heard it," he started.

"Ari isn't the kind of person you think she is."



What does Jimin mean by this?

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