entry #2

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an original poem written by:

I met you in a small room
Your smile making the flowers bloom
And I know I'll do anything for you
Maybe get you the moon?

I thought you were mine
I thought we had time
I though you'll take care of my mind
No, my whole everything

You said you loved me
You said you won't leave me
In a hundred steps
I lost you
I lost myself

My eyes felt pain
I saw you laughing
I saw you smiling
I saw you so near in miles away

I got you the moon mi amor
But you never returned the stars you promised
Instead, you gave me they dark sky
Filled with pain and regret yet full of mystery

I thought we would be a starry sky
Filled with constellations
From the nearest to the farthest
So we're like Scorpio and Orion
Together in a sky but will never be together.

-Park Jimin

(May 12, 2013)

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