thirty five

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I opened my eyes slowly, my blurry vision engulfing me as I looked around.

I'm still in my room

I tried getting up and moving, but my two arms were not letting me.

I looked to my right and saw my two arms wrapped in rope, tied on the bedposts as I hissed at how its getting painful every minute.

"Hey," I heard a voice and I jerked my head to the direction.

"Y-Yeon...jun?" I said as all the air was knocked out of my lungs.

"Yes, babe?" He smirks, a smirk that I always saw.

"Let go of me!" I said as I helplessly tugged on the bedposts but it didn't do anything.

"Now now, you just got here, you should give me a little welcoming gift, right?" He grins as he nears me, his steps getting louder.

"I thought you had a girlfriend...," I trailed off, shooting him a glare.

"Oh her? She's just a little rebound, she thought we'd stay until the end of time, but I didn't feel her, she's just a mere f*ck, that's it," Yeonjun replied.

"Why are you here? Who let you in?!" I said, this time more anger in my voice.

"Don't bite at me babe, our foolish professor was the one who brought me here," he smirks.

I give him a puzzled look and he chuckles, his rosy lips curvinf upwards and slowly turning into a lopsided grin.

"Oh Jeon, such an ass," he chuckles and my eyes widen.

Mr. Jeon?

"He told me to go to your room, and give you the homework we had for the past two days, I didn't wanna go in here at first, but look at where we both ended up, in your bedroom," he smirks.

"And why? What does Jimin have to do about this?" My voice came out in a whisper.

"Park? He's an asshole, so why punch him to death when you can just ruin his whole room and living space?" He says, his eyes getting darker.

"You're a psychopath! This isn't the Yeonjun I knew!" I cried, the pain in my heart getting more painful.

"That was the past, look at what you done to me baby, you made me into this. Your so-called bestfriend ditched me!" He recalled.

"Just like how you ditched me," I muttered and he perked up towards me.

"What? Remember that I was your first love and you were mine," he says and he smiles, a dark one.

He suddenly hovered above me which made my chest do a little flip. It made me disgusted of myself for acting like this and for getting too weak to defend myself.

He covers my mouth with his big hand and smirks at how my eyes widen and my brows furrow.

"Get off me you f*cker!" I barely say.

"I don't regret hearing you calling me that, because I will," he replies and I shudder.

I try to knee him in the balls, but he got his other hand squeezing my left thigh and his other leg went over my right thigh making me totally powerless.

"G-get off me!" I manage to let out a scream.

"You know what, I do regret letting you go in the first place, baby," he chuckles as he nears my face, pecking my forehead.

Is this how my whole virgin life would end?

My virginity given to the man that used to love me, and break me?

And on top of that, I don't even love him anymore.

A few tears were rolling down my cheeks and I felt a thumb swipe on both my cheeks.

"Don't cry, it makes me weak to see you so powerless like this," he talks in a baby voice, an evil grin plastered on his face.

"Yeonjun.... just... let go of me! I'm tired okay? I'm tired of running away from problems you caused!" I say, more tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Half of you is the problem, when me and my parents moved here, I didn't expect to see you go to the same school with me, but look at where fate brought us," he grins evilly.

He slides his hand in my shirt, causing me to flinch at this cold touch, his touch that used to break my heart.

"Now stay quiet, while I do the things I wanted to do when we were toget-"






Okay, soooo now we know what Yeonjun is up to, hehehehe and maybe a bit of his past would be added in some future chapters, so you can understand him a bit more :)

I wrote 3 chapters in a row in one day and idk wat to do :/

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