forty three

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"Mom...," I replied as her eyes slowly fluttered open, she was breathing heavily as she looked into my glossy eyes.

"What are you doing? I thought you hated me," she softly spoke.

"Why?" I asked, completely ignoring her question.

"What do you mean?" She replies.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, tears threatening to fall.

"I didn't want to... because... I was afraid you'd worry for me, when you're struggling with work," she replied.

"I could've treated you better mom, you should've stayed in Busan... why did you come to Seoul?" I asked her.

"You ran away, I was finding you but I never found you, so I wanted to come here in Seoul," she replied.

"Mom, did you even take care of yourself?" I asked her.

She remained silent, her hand still in mine as she held it tight, not letting it go.

"I'm sorry," she apologized.

"What for?"

"Everything, from when you were young until today, you never experienced the life of a child," she muttered, tears streaming down her face.

"I don't want to remember the past, lets focus on you," I replied and hugged her, in which she hugged back.

I've never hugged her like this since I was 6.

"I've made a huge mistake when you were young, and you forgive me?" She asks me.

"You're my mother, and I will always honor you and you know that," I replied and we looked at each other.

"Jimin, I'm also sorry for not telling you, I thought I could take care of myself," she said.

"Don't say that," I replied and smiled at her and she returned a weak smile.

After that, the curtains opened and Seokjin walked in, he pushed his glasses up before looking at me to her.

"Mrs. Park..."


7 PM and Jimin's not home yet.

I was sitting on the couch, waiting for his arrival. Even the dinner I cooked for him was turning cold.

I looked around the room, even counted how many patches were up the ceiling, I've waited since late noon for him.

He must be busy, and he said this was urgent.

I was debating whether I should call him or not, he might be busy and not answer it at all.

I was staring outside the window and looked at the buildings that glowed with lights. It was dark now and the night view of Seoul was breathtaking.

F*ck this, I'm worried about him now.

Here goes nothing.

I decided to open my phone and give him a call.

Brrring... brrring...

"Hello?" A voice came from the other line.

"Jimin, are you still at the hospital?" I asked him.

"Yeah, something came up and I will be conducting a surgery... don't wait for me and I'll be back tomorrow noon," he replied.

"Okay, take care... I'm going to the court tomorrow as a victim," I told him.

"Sure, you can go, text me when you arrive there," he replied.

"Okay," I shortly said.

"I love you, take care," he said abruptly which made my heart race.

"I love you too," I replied.

He hung up and I put the phone in my pocket, sighing deeply as I stood up from the couch and started putting the leftover dinner inside containers and shoving them in in refrigerator.

After fixing everything up, I walked to my room, and started picking out an outfit I could wear for tomorrow.

Guess I'll skip school again tomorrow.

I sighed and looked at the newly picked outfit before hanging it on the door of my room.

I yawned and looked at the time.

8 PM.

Actually, it does seem unusual to me. Without Jimin here, it gets lonely and quiet. And I feel kinda sad without his company.

How does Jimin cope up with this alone when I wasn't here?

Yeah, because he's your boyfriend already and you're worrying about him.

The doorbell suddenly rang and I walked towards the door, curious to who might be at the door at this hour.

My body hesitated whether I should be answering it or not, no one comes to the door this late at night except when its the maintainance or something.

My hands touched the doorknob and I opened the door, looking at the person infront of me.




As the chapters increase, more secrets will be unfolded!

Thank you so much for reading!

This is where the whole drama starts!

*contacts tvN for this kdrama (jkjk)

I had a dream where Hoseok and I were sitting beside each other and cheering on Jungkook's twerking while they were on Music Bank and it was only me and him (at frontrow seats) and the other members laughed their asses off at the side of the stage and Yoongi suddenly screamed in dolphin voice and I was like:

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