𝐢𝐢. THIRD YEAR AT HOGWARTS [ rewritten ]

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Chapter Two ⠀⠀ third year at hogwarts

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Chapter Two ⠀⠀ third year at hogwarts


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"REMEMBER BOYS, NO TALKING WITH THE MUDBLOOD freaks and half-bloods. Sirius watch after your brother and Reyna. And try not to embarrass this family anymore than you have, Sirius. A Black in Gryffindor is a scandal. It's already dreadful that your cousin Andromeda married a mudblood and is pregnant with a halfbreed." Walburga Black reminded her sons.

Sirius rolled his eyes while Regulus and Reyna simply nodded.

Penelope gave her daughter a pointed look, "Make sure to write darling. Last year you've rarely written anything to me." she frowned. "Regulus had to keep me updated about you because you always forget."

Last year wasn't the year for the De Martel family. Similar to the Blacks situation, Andrea De Martel ( the middle member of the family ) ran away from home. Just like Jasper, she was also married. Except she married a halfbreed werewolf.

Her family members except Reyna haven't met this man. The youngest De Martel thought he was perfect despite his scars. The De Martel was supportive and still wished for Andrea to be happy.

Now, this was news to the De Martel as she turned to her best friend whose ears turned red.

"I promise to Owl, mother," Reyna said assuringly. She glanced at Regulus who avoided any eye contact as Sirius snickered quietly.

"And I'll make sure to keep an eye on Sirius. After all, he does like to cause trouble." Reyna's words were laced with a fake persuading tone. This time it was Sirius' turn to chortle at her act.

Walburga smiled delightedly at her words and brought the girl into a hug. She then looked at Sirius and glared daggers at him. "Off you go children."

Soon enough it was time to leave and Sirius was already heading onto the train not sparring a single glance at his mother.

Regulus and Reyna found a compartment and sat down. "I swear that boy needs to get his priorities in check," he grumbled.

The compartment door slid open to reveal Finn Nott and Rafael Zabini. "Thank Salazar I found you both."

"Hi Finn, Rafael." Reyna greeted.

"I see that you two are still attached to the hip." Rafael eyed the pair that were awfully close for just best friends. He wondered when Regulus would man up already and confess his feelings for her.

Finn also was aware of his friend's feelings for their good friend Reyna.

However, her eyes seem to set on a specific Halfblood boy she started ignoring. Reyna has been crushing on him since her first year. Regulus was glad to know that she was going to move on.

As for Reyna, she thought she was a major dunderhead for holding feelings for someone like him. Maybe it was the fact that they both liked potions. To be honest, she really didn't know why she liked him.

The two hadn't exactly left on the best terms last summer.

"Well, I'm bloody glad you are getting over that arsehole. Reyna we all love you, but a half-blood is not worthy of a pureblood. Why do you continue to associate with kinds that are not our own? Your sister paid the price by marrying a halfbreed." Rafael asked, his eyes holding curiousness but a hint of judgment.

Reyna didn't say anything. Even though she hated the whole pureblood ideals she loved her family way too much to give them up. Except she treated everyone with kindness including half-bloods and muggle-borns. The De Martel thought they were just as worthy of performing magic as any other Pureblood.

"Shut up Rafael." Finn snapped. He looked at Reyna, "Rafael's a bit grouchy because he broke up with Arabella."

"The one that goes to Beauxbatons?" Regulus asked incredulously. The blonde also seemed surprised. After all, Rafael has talked nonstop about the girl he met at one of the Gala's last year. Since then, they've been writing to each other and occasionally seeing each other during breaks.

"Bianca thought the whole long-distance thing was stressful and hard to handle," Rafael grumbled sadly. "I told her that we can still make it work..."

Reyna gave her friend a look of sympathy, "I'm sorry Rafael,"

The blonde gestured for the three boys to leave so she can change, leaving Finn, Regulus, and Rafael standing outside the compartment.

Finn gave his friend an eager and annoyed glance, "Reg stop being a pussy and ask her out already! She's over that Snape boy. I told you it was just a small crush."

Since the second year, he's been developing feelings over Reyna, his childhood best friend. Maybe this year is his chance to finally tell her how he feels.

"Y━You think so?" Regulus sounded relatively hopeful.

"Take her to Hogsmeade mate, three broomsticks."

🤍  ࿐ྂ 𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 !⠀⁺◟༉ ꜜ
❪ . . . a letter from the heart  ❫

𝐨𝐨𝐨.  Comment here if you want a chapter shoutout 💬

𝐨𝐨𝐨.  Maitreyi Ramakrishnan as Sonia Patel. I'm trying to add diversity to my books from now on.

𝐨𝐨𝐨.  Shoutout to (    -GRINDELWXLD  )

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