𝐢𝐯. WHAT'S IN A SOULMATE [ rewritten ]

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chapter four ⠀⠀ what's in a soulmate

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chapter four ⠀⠀ what's in a soulmate

DIVINATION CLASS was kind of boring. Everyone says the class was an easy pass Professor Thistleburn's had them drink tea and look at their remaining dregs.

"This class is bloody stupid," Sonia complained, trying to see what her remaining tea leaves were about. They were partnered in pairs and of course, they ended up together.

Reyna gagged a bit at the awful taste of the tea and tried to drink its contents immediately. They swirled the dregs around until Thistleburns commanded to swap each other's cups.

They opened their books to pages five and six where they found each meaning of each sign. "What do you see in mine?" Sonia questioned. She was staring at her textbook trying to decipher Reyna's.

"A bunch of soggy stuff that resembles dung."

The girls went into a fit of laughter causing many to look at them.

"Broaden the minds!"

Reyna peered over Sonia's shoulder, "What does mine say about me?"

"I'm pretty sure it's a heart."

"Did someone say, heart?" Thistleburn's asked the girls.

The girls shrugged and Sonia handed the cup.

A genuine grin plastered the Professor's lips. "This is rare, I haven't seen this in a long time...Ms. De Martel have you had your heart broken?"

Sonia let out a scoff and crossed her arms. "Wow, you're really putting her on the spot huh?" 

"The heart represents soulmates. A soulmate is like a best friend but more. It's the one person that will know you better than anyone else. That person has been by your whole life and is closer than you think."

There was a teacup that dropped but nobody seemed to care as students listened eagerly to their Professor.

Reyna's lips pursed into a straight line. "This man will forever be your first and last love." she continued and walked off to help another student.

Girls let out giggles and were awed. Reyna had mixed emotions about this and thought it was complete garbage.

Sonia shot the girls a glare and immediately they shut up. They knew better than to mess with the De Martel and Patil. They were a package deal and a reckoning force.

A couple of desks away Regulus was trying to clean up the mess he made. Hearing Thistleburns words made him feel mixed emotions.

Rafael dropped down to help him, "You okay there mate?"

"Oh yeah, totally fine Rafael. Totally not thinking about what our Professor's utter nonsense." Regulus snapped.

"You call it nonsense I call it a fucking sign." Finn came over and smirked.

Rafael also let out a snort of agreement. "I think it perfectly describes Reg and our beautiful Reyna, wouldn't you think Finn?"

The Black glanced at Reyna where she was giggling at what Sonia was saying.
"Both of you are ridiculous, you can't honestly believe in that stuff."

"Seems pretty believable judging by the looks Reyna is giving you."

Regulus never has looked so fast to where Reyna was sitting again only for the De Martel focusing on her work.

His friends snickered as he glared at them for making him look.

Moments later after Regulus cleaned up and started over Professor Thistleburns came over to examine his work and gave him an ironic smirk. "Looks like you and Ms. De Martel have the same thing."

The boy let out an incoherent noise of startlement.

━━━━ · 。゚☆: *. ☆彡゚. ━━━━

"Sonia Patil I do not fancy Regulus Black! What makes you think such a thing?" The Slytherin girls were on their way to Herbology class when Sonia made the most ridiculous assumption she's ever heard.

Sonia jeered at her words, "Come on De Martel, you can't possibly think what happened moments ago might be true? He was looking at you!"

"I refuse to believe soulmates or love exists."

"Just because of what happened with that Snape boy should let you down, Rey. He was a prat for saying those things. Of all people you deserve to be happy." Sonia stated softly.

Reyna was touched by her words yet sighed. "Regulus and I are best friends," she stated unsurely and the blush on her face said otherwise.

The Patil let out a squeal and hugged her friend. "Oh my gosh, you did feel something for him....even before that whole little crush with Snape came along!"

The blonde scurried away causing the Gujarati Slytherin to follow after her friend, demanding answers. Only the ten words repeated in her head like a broken record.

"This man will forever be your first and last love."


𝐨𝐨𝐨.  Comment here if you want a chapter shoutout 💬

𝐨𝐨𝐨.  Hi guys! Here is another new chapter.

𝐨𝐨𝐨.  again a reminder Reyna does not like Snape anymore! She believed she held feelings for him but after seeing his true colors of how he's obsessed with dark magic.

shout out for this chapter perfectplcs

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