𝐱𝐯𝐢. A BLACK CHRISTMAS [ rewritten ]

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Chapter Fifteen⠀⠀ Black Christmas

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Chapter Fifteen⠀⠀ Black Christmas

Chapter Fifteen⠀⠀ Black Christmas

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Reyna was immediately bombarded with a hug from Narcissa Malfoy. Behind the petite blonde stood her husband Lucius Malfoy.

"Reyna, it's so good to see you." Narcissa gushed. She was glad to have another girl around during this dinner party hosted by her Uncle Orion and Aunt Walburga. Christmas was already a dread and not like a typical family.

"I didn't know you'd be here as well." Lucius smiled, it's been a while since he last saw Reyna. Though he couldn't say the same for Jasper.

The blonde pulled away and searched for a certain crazed hair woman. "Where is Bella and Rodolphus? Oh, bloody hell is Rabastan coming as well?" dread washed the De Martel's features.

Sirius stood off to the side against a wall bored.

As for Regulus, like always, stood beside Reyna. The Malfoy couple smiled at them lightheartedly before it washed away.

Druella and Cygnus came to view.

"Ah, Walburga....I see you've fixed up the place."

Walburga seethed and rolled her eyes, "Of course we did. At least we do fix up the place unlike yours." she snapped.

Does she always itch for a fight?

On cue, the fireplace burned again to reveal three new people. Bellatrix stepped out with Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange in view.

"Mr. and Mrs. Black thank you for inviting us," Rodolphus and Rabastan greeted while Bellatrix went over to her parents.

Walburga beamed and shot Druella a smirk, who sent her a tight-lipped smile. "Of course dears,"

Rabastan's eyes danced at the two youngest members. "Well if it isn't ickle Reggie and Rey, together as always." he drawled.

"Rabastan." Regulus greeted briefly. Besides his other side was Sirius who looked like he wanted to be anywhere than here.

"Ah, cousin dearest, you didn't tell me that Reyna was coming, I would've brought her gift." Bellatrix extended her hand to grab the De Martel, most likely to give her a hug but Sirius thought otherwise.

Sirius yanked her back surprising not only Reyna but Regulus and Narcissa. Though they can't say they are shocked.

Bellatrix...well she was insane.

"Don't touch her." 


The ravenette glared at her cousin. "Get your grubby little hands off Reyna, you blood traitor!" Reyna was someone that Bellatrix cared deeply for just like Narcissa. After all, they grew up together seeing as their families are friends.

Cygnus lets out a sigh, "Bellatrix enough, we do not want to cause a fight this evening."

Penelope and Edward De Martel appeared at the fireplace, luckily they came at the right time.

A harsh clamp came to Sirius' shoulder, realizing it was his mother he was drawn back leaving Reyna standing.

Regulus hurriedly appeared at her side to check to see if she was alright. He couldn't help but dislike his brother for causing a scene. Bellatrix would never hurt Reyna.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, Reg," Reyna assured Bellatrix, Rodolphus, and Rabastan. "It's great seeing you three again."

Bellatrix shot Sirius a snarl before wandering to the kitchen area.

Now they were all settled down into the big dining room where each family member all sat in their designated seats.

"Cygnus and I thought it would be wise to all gather here today to celebrate Lucius, Lestrange brothers, and Bellatrix getting the Dark mark. Soon we will cleanse this land of its filth." Orion's lips curled in disgust at the mention of muggles.

Narcissa looked uncomfortable but stared ahead.

Regulus was thankful the speech was over so they can finally eat and get this Christmas dinner over with.

In the middle of the feast, Rodolphus said something that made eyeballs turn to where the two youngest Slytherins sat.

"Is it true that you two are dating?"

Narcissa looked like she indeed got the best Christmas present in the entire world. If Sirius wasn't in front of his mother he would've laughed.

Bellatrix let out a gasp and narrowed her eyes intimidating at Regulus. Lucius looked like he swallowed a lemon. He saw Reyna like a sister and would've tackled Regulus no matter if they were in-laws.

Then there was Walburga wearing a delighted expression. She looked over the moon. Too happy that maybe she's already planning a wedding.

Orion, Edward, and Cygnus remained indifferent.

Penelope was overjoyed and already sending a wink towards the two.

Druella thought it was wonderful news.

Reyna blinked and wanted to hide away from all the intense stares. It was Regulus that brought her back to reality.

"Yes, we're together."

A delightful laugh-filled Reyna's ears. Druella watched them fondly, also pleased at this sudden news. "Well, I guess that saves the trouble, eh Walburga, Penelope?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Well..." Penelope began sheepishly.


🤍  ࿐ྂ 𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 !⠀⁺◟༉ ꜜ
❪ . . . a letter from the heart  ❫

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