𝐯𝐢. LETTERS FROM FATHER [ rewritten ]

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Chapter Six ⠀⠀ letters from father

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Chapter Six ⠀⠀ letters from father


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A WEEK PASSED SINCE HER FIRST WEEK back from Hogwarts. Severus' lessons with the Marauders made him back off for a while. Currently, she was sitting in the library reading when someone sat down.

Lily Evans sat across from her with a frown evident on her face. "What's going on between you and Sev, both of you never fight." it used to be the three of them, and now it isn't the same anymore.

"He and I are no longer friends, I'm sure he can tell you why." Reyna rolled her eyes. "I don't think we'll make up. I'm sorry Lily, but I can't."

The ginger paused to think for a moment and sighed, "Fine, I respect that. If it was really that bad then I don't want to force you to be friends with him...but he really misses you, Rey."

Instead of saying anything, Reyna continued doing her homework until Madam Pince alerted the students that it was time for lunch.

"Tell Marlene, Dorcas, and Alice I said Hi." Reyna missed the girls, they weren't like the stuck up Slytherin's besides Sonia, who actually did get along with them as well.

"I'll definitely will," Lily's eyes froze at the sight of the youngest Black. "It seems you have an escort." she smirked, pointing to Regulus.

She turned around to see Regulus standing there waiting for her to meet him. Reyna gave Lily one last goodbye and left.
"How'd you know I was here?" Reyna asked, now walking alongside him to the Great Hall.

"You're always in the library to meet with your other friends," Regulus emphasized the last part in a judgemental tone.

Reyna gave him a shove and glared, "First of all, Reg just because they are muggle-borns and half-bloods does not make them any lesser than Purebloods, am I clear?"

The boy raised his hands in surrender and gave her an apologetic look, the last thing he wanted was to get on her bad list. "I'm sorry...I can't help it because of my parents."

"They raised me to believe in those things and drilled it in my head since birth," Regulus mumbled.

Knowing how the Black family and De Martel family are, he was right about those things. Reyna grew up believing those things as well until she arrived at Hogwarts and befriended Lily Evans through Sirius Black.

"I know you can't...but it really doesn't matter does it? I wish it wasn't a big deal." Reyna sighed sadly.

When they got to the Great Hall they saw their friends eating.

"There you guys are," Finn exclaimed, he handed a plate for Regulus and Reyna. "I placed some food down for you guys in case it disappears.

"Thanks, Finn."

Sonia raised her perfectly shaped brows and eyed the pair. Her eyes danced to where Regulus sat who looked at her and gulped. Judging my nervousness on his face he still didn't tell her yet.

"Snape won't stop looking at you." Sonia gestured to the raven-haired boy sitting beside Avery and Mulciber. The same boys that talked trash about her and received Howlers from their own mothers disrespecting someone higher than them.

Obviously uncomfortable, she looked at her plate.

"He only wants to be 'friends' with me so I don't tell Lily about his fascination with dark arts." Reyna mumbled and stabbed her food.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" Regulus wondered, glaring at where Severus sat. They were no longer friends for obvious reasons. He made the girl he's liked for ages cry.

And nobody makes Reyna cry. Her tears were wasted on a half-blood like him.

"No your brother did a pretty good job scaring him off for now." Reyna chuckled.

Regulus stiffened at the mention of his older brother. The two haven't gotten along in the slightest bit since he got sorted in Gryffindor. They'd disagree on morals, houses, and something utterly rubbish where Reyna would have to drag Regulus away from Sirius from pouncing on him.

"Hogsmeade is this weekend." Regulus changed the topic, his heart fluttered at her beautiful smile.

"I'm excited, are you?" Reyna asked now eagerly.

"Definitely," Regulus answered, sounding way too enthusiastic, making the trio hide their laughter.

An owl came and dropped a letter in front of Reyna.

It was a letter from her father.

Dear Reyna,

I hope this letter finds you well. Your mother is well and so is Jasper and wife Miranda. And as for Andrea , she is no concern. She's no longer family and you best remember that. Walburga wants to invite you over for Christmas. The Blacks and extended family will be there. I'm sure you are overjoyed over this.

Make me proud.
Your, Father.

"Looks like I'm staying over at the Black family." Reyna announced.

"The letter was from my mother?" Regulus questioned in confusion.

Finn and Rafael exchanged looks of disbelief while Sonia muttered something under her breath. "She might as well marry into the family."

"My father actually," Reyna replied, earning a blink of astonishment. "I know, I was quite shocked as well."

Sonia noticed the puzzlement written across Finn's face. "Let's just say Reyna's father is quite emotionless like Bloody Baron." she snapped her head in each direction before looking at her friends. "But don't let him hear that."

"Already did." the ghost appeared.

The Patil groaned, a roundtable of laughter when Baron sat beside Sonia, earning a scowl on the girl's face.


🤍  ࿐ྂ 𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 !⠀⁺◟༉ ꜜ❪

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🤍  ࿐ྂ 𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 !⠀⁺◟༉ ꜜ
❪ . . . a letter from the heart  ❫
━━━ © 𝚂𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙼𝙾𝙸𝙾𝙶𝚈 ━━━

𝐨𝐨𝐨.  Comment here if you want a chapter shoutout 💬

𝐨𝐨𝐨.  Hi guys! Here is another new chapter.

𝐨𝐨𝐨.  Sorry for posting chapter six after chapter seven I got confused!

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