𝐱𝐢. LEARNING HOW TO FLY [ rewritten ]

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Chapter Eleven ⠀⠀ learning how to fly

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Chapter Eleven ⠀⠀ learning how to fly

Sirius Orion Black and his group of friends found Reyna sitting underneath a willow tree outside an autumn day at Hogwarts

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Sirius Orion Black and his group of friends found Reyna sitting underneath a willow tree outside an autumn day at Hogwarts. It was Saturday and Regulus decided it would be nice to teach her how to play Quidditch.

"So is it true then Rey? My brother?"

"Yes the rumors are true, I decided to give him a chance. We're not really boyfriend and girlfriend yet."

The dark-haired boy smirked over at James, "How is it my baby brother can get the girl and you can't?"

James flushed red in embarrassment and pointed a finger at him, "For the last time Padfoot shut the bloody hell up. Besides, I think Lily-pad is warming up to me!"

"Your definition of warming up to you is throwing a cinnamon roll at you this morning." Reyna chuckled, remembering every detail. "She told you to fuck off."

Now it was Remus' turn to laugh. "She got you there Prongs!"

"Why do you guys have weird nicknames?" Reyna arched a brow, curiosity decorated her soft features. Lately, she hadn't seen much of them. There were times that she would notice half-moon bags under their eyes. Remus would be nowhere to be seen.

"It's an inside joke, marauders only." Peter quipped, earning a dramatic gasp from Reyna.

"Wow and here I thought we were getting along." Reyna pouted. The blonde shuts her book and gives them a bright smile. "I have to meet up with Reg, but it was nice talking to you four. I feel like we never see each other anymore."

Sirius rolled his eyes and narrowed his eyes at the pureblood Veela. "Have you heard from Andy or Andrea?"

"Nope...I feel like they are keeping it low because of our families. Cissy hasn't said much to me."

The Black resisted the urge to gag at the mention of Narcissa.

Once Reyna was out of reach, she made her way to the Quidditch field where she found Regulus Black on his broom going in circles.

When he spotted the Veela he immediately descended and climbed off his broom. His eyes twinkled in astonishment.

In all his life, Reyna never liked riding a room. Maybe it was the fact that her brother pushed her off when they were children ( accidentally ). Thus, she never got on one ever again.

"You came!"

"I believe it's time I get over my trauma of falling off a broom━Regulus Black what are you doing."

Regulus was back on his broom and came speeding towards her. His arm wrapped around her waist and somehow lifted her to sit behind him.


He kicked off the ground and Reyna quickly wrapped her arms around his waist.


"Lighten up Rey! Have fun."

"Your definition of fun is completely different Reggie!" Reyna let out a shriek. She found vibrations of laughter coming from the Black and the blonde queried whether to smack him or just hold on for dear life.

Reyna's eyes squeezed shut until Regulus turned his head to look at her clearly, "Reyna open your eyes, the view's gorgeous up here."

The girl latched her arms around his waist like a child holding her teddy bear. Reyna opened her eyes and blinked at the sight of forests and the view of the Hogwarts castle.


Regulus gave her a grin, "Beautiful right?" she didn't seem to get the hidden message behind the words because she was staring at the vast sky and Hogwarts castle.

"It is," Reyna softly smiled, she didn't realize that her head was resting against his back. Regulus enjoyed the feeling of her arms around his waist.

Truth is, Regulus never felt home anywhere. Not with his family but with Reyna De Martel. She was always there when he felt like falling. Nobody was there to catch him except her.

She was there for him when his own brother abandoned him.

For what seemed like forever Reyna finally glanced up at Regulus to see him peering down at her. She melted in his stormy hues for the first time up close.

They were the prettiest eyes she's ever seen.

Reyna's heart made a thump and the girl mentally cursed in her head.

Bloody hell.

"I mean the view is beautiful and all but I think you're my best view." Regulus flashed her smirk.

"Oh, fucking Salazar just teach me how to fly!"


🤍 ࿐ྂ 𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 !⠀⁺◟༉ ꜜ
❪ . . . a letter from the heart ❫
━━━ © 𝚂𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙼𝙾𝙸𝙾𝙶𝚈 ━━━

𝐨𝐨𝐨. Comment here if you want a chapter shoutout 💬

𝐨𝐨𝐨. As you know, your girl just gotta job and now she's gonna make BANK. The first quarter of school ended.

I do online for the whole year but my school officially is going online starting November 20th OMFG. I'm surprised we lasted this long.

╰─ ➤ -ˏˋ @𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚 ˊˎ- ˖*°࿐*ೃ .

𝙸𝙽𝚂𝚃𝙰𝙶𝚁𝙰𝙼 ━━━ stormoiogy.wp
𝙿𝙸𝙽𝚃𝙴𝚁𝙴𝚂𝚃 ━━━ saturnbarnes

━━━━ · 。゚☆: *. ☆彡゚. ━━━━

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