𝐱𝐯. CHOCOLATE BISCUITS [ rewritten ]

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Chapter Fourteen ⠀⠀ chocolate biscuits

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Chapter Fourteen ⠀⠀ chocolate biscuits

Once the Blacks and Reyna arrived in the middle of the living room, Walburga screeched for the House elf and Orion took that as a sign to head back into his office where he wouldn't have to encounter his family

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Once the Blacks and Reyna arrived in the middle of the living room, Walburga screeched for the House elf and Orion took that as a sign to head back into his office where he wouldn't have to encounter his family.

At least not until Christmas Eve ( where they would hold a traditional family dinner ).

A loud pop and Kreacher appeared bowing low to the four remaining members left in the sitting area.

"Mistress Black,"

"Take Reyna and Regulus' stuff to their rooms. As for Sirius, he can take his own luggage by himself." Walburga ordered her nose scrunch in distaste at her eldest boy.

Kreacher obeyed and left not before shooting Sirius a glare. If his Mistress didn't like him then so didn't he. Even before he got sorted into Gryffindor the two never got along.

Sirius clenched his jaw and took that as a sign to leave. Sounds of creaks of foot-stomping ( clearly to set Walburga off ) echoed the air.

Now it was just Regulus and Reyna standing there trying to be fearless in front of the woman.

Instead, her stern expression washed away at the two. "I hope you both don't follow his example. However, I am pleased to hear about your achievements. Now go upstairs, dinner will be later this evening. I'll have Kreacher bring chocolate biscuits and tea."

And as fast as the speed of light, Regulus grabbed her hand and dragged her up the stairs before Reyna could make out a word.

Once they reached his bedroom, they closed the door.

"That was...."

"Scary, insane, oh maybe the word you are looking for is nerve-wracking Reg," Reyna whispered, fearing Walburga might be outside his door.

The Black also seemed terrified to face the wrath of his mother. Judging by his shaking hands, Reyna's gaze softened and gently held them.

His body moves towards Reyna's and the Veela immediately brings him into her grasp. "She's not going to hurt you Reg...Your mother was just angry because Sirius badmouthed my brother, which is a bad play on his part."

Regulus slowly got used to things around the Black household ever since Sirius got sorted in the wrong house. It was never the same when Sirius got home.

"It's Jasper...he's an arse but that didn't mean he had to stoop to his level."

Noticing his damping mood, Reyna heard a knock on the door and decided to open it. There was Kreacher standing with a plate of biscuits on a large tray with a pot and two teacups.

"Mistress Black has sent these to you after your long journey from Hogwarts."

"Thank you Kreacher," Regulus responded.

Reyna gave the house-elf a bright smile, "Kreacher, I missed you!"

Although Kreacher wasn't allowed to act informally with his Masters, that didn't mean he didn't care for the two members of the household that actually treated him kindly. It was refreshing.

"Kreacher is glad to see you again, Ms. De Martel, Master Black."

With a pop, he left Regulus and Reyna alone in the big spacious room.

Chocolate biscuits were always something they had whenever she came over. Back when they were children they would always sit in the gardens with the others.

Bellatrix would always try to steal one from Sirius and the two would have a dispute. Andromeda will try to be the peacemaker. Then Narcissa, Regulus, and Reyna would try to back out and find Kreacher to make them some more.

"At least some things haven't changed..." Reyna murmured, sipping on the chai tea. "Do you think Christmas will be fine?"

"Knowing that my cousins and in-laws are going to be here, no doubt it will end up in a fight," Regulus uttered earning a small laugh from the blonde.

🤍 ࿐ྂ 𝐀𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒 !⠀⁺◟༉ ꜜ
❪ . . . a letter from the heart ❫

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