025; YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL REMUS [ rewritten ]

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˗ˏˋ ✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ˎˊ˗
𝖁 𝑬 𝑹 𝑰 𝑻 𝑨 𝑺 𝑬 𝑹 𝑼 𝑴.

˗ˏˋ ✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩✧ ˎˊ˗  𝖁 𝑬 𝑹 𝑰 𝑻 𝑨 𝑺 𝑬 𝑹 𝑼 𝑴

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❪ if anything you did lily and i a favor. ❫

Out of all the people that knew about his lycanthropy condition Reyna De Martel first found out before his friends in the third year

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Out of all the people that knew about his lycanthropy condition Reyna De Martel first found out before his friends in the third year.

Remus Lupin woke up the day after the full moon on a hospital bed in the medical wing, always greeted with a case of chocolate, marshmallows, a store-bought book, and a pair of knitted socks.

Each month after he turned the Lupin boy was always gifted with these things. Deep down he didn't deserve such kindness. Remus thought of himself as a monster and Reyna saw him as nothing but that vulgar world.

She called him beautiful. Someone with scars on his face called such a word baffled him.

He wasn't in love with her Godric no. Remus Lupin saw Reyna De Martel as a sibling. Someone to trust and confide in.

"You are staring at me, why?"

A few days have passed since Severus called Lily a mudblood and Reyna a mudblood lover. The Slytherins didn't take kindly of his words, to insult someone as lovely and kind as Reyna.

They currently sat at the library secretly sitting in the corner of the room eating chocolate bites out of their book bags without getting caught.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about what happened━━"


"I should've stopped James and Sirius, maybe Lily and Severus would still be friends━━"

"You did Lily and I a favor...well you did me a favor." Reyna sighed softly. "Severus better leave us alone for now on."

Remus felt a bit better but that didn't stop him from feeling bad about how things were handled in the worst way. He knew that being a bystander while his three friends enjoyed taunting the Snape boy made him a bully.

"Exams are in two days, how am I supposed to do this?" Reyna complained.

The boy glanced over her parchment to see her working on Arithmancy, his eyes lit up and gestured with grabby hands to look at it.

Reyna proudly handed him the paper. "Why did you tell me to take this class? I could've done something else."

"You wanted something challenging," Remus explained with a little laugh.

The girl rolled her eyes and popped in chocolate fudge, then stood up from her wooden seat to go find a book. Once she was deeper into the library examined the row of books until she was found slammed to the shelf.

Reyna rolled her eyes, "Well hello to you dearest."

"What are you doing with Lupin?" Regulus questioned and the blonde read him like an open book, he was obviously jealous ( ━━something he can't help ). The boy's lower lip stood out into a pout and Reyna wanted nothing more than to kiss them.

"If you must know, we were studying. Nothing else because my heart belongs to another."

Regulus arched a brow, "And who does your heart belong to you?"

"To a handsome, dark curly-haired boy with the most amazing blue eyes." Reyna flashed a sweet smile.

The Black without hesitation captured her lips. And Reyna happily lets her guard down and sank into his arms.

He always felt at home.

Once they pulled away, Regulus frowned again. "He's staring at you again." it wasn't hard to figure out what her boyfriend was referring to.

Severus Snape has been trying to capture Lily and Reyna's attention. He gave up on getting Lily's forgiveness but still insisted on the Veela's for some reason.

"Why can't he just leave me alone," Reyna mumbled in frustration.

Regulus angrily glanced at the raven-haired Snape, "Stay here ━━"

Green eyes widen in surprise and a hint of fear. "Wait no, it's fine Reg."

"No, it isn't, I'm going to set him straight." Regulus determinedly pecked his girlfriend's lips and spun around, making his way towards the fifth-year student.

He got a book out of the self on his journey to the table consisting of Mulciber, Barty, and Evan.

Reyna quickly followed after him, "Regulus don't you dare think about what I think you are about to do!"

She couldn't risk getting kicked out of the library when there's going to be exams in a few days.

The Lupin boy also got up with his stuff ( and Reyna's ) to also see what's going on. He had a feeling of what was going to happen.

Regulus seemed hesitant about his future action but remembered the troubled face of Reyna's face. He threw the book with full force, hitting Snape in the face where James and Reyna landed a hit on him days ago.

This was the third time this week and Severus became livid.

"YOU LITTLE ━━━" Severus' face resembled a hyena and it didn't help the fact that his nose became broken for the third time this week.

Madam Pince came to the rescue and grabbed Severus by the ear. She flashed a glare at Regulus, Reyna, and Remus.

The three ran out of the library before they could get detention or points taken off their Houses.

Laughter befell the two Slytherins and Gryffindor.

"That was hilarious!" Remus who was feeling down now had a wide grin on his face.

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✎↷... 𝒂 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒂𝒖𝒓𝒐𝒓𝒂 ✉️
➩ 𝑣𝑜𝑡𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡, 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢!
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₊˚ 𖤐₊ ⁀➷ Double update. I might not update tomorrow which is the reason.

₊˚ 𖤐₊ ⁀➷ How is everyone?

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