𝐢𝐢𝐢. INTRODUCING SONIA PATIL [ rewritten ]

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chapter three ⠀⠀ introducing sonia patil

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chapter three ⠀⠀ introducing sonia patil

REYNA DE MARTEL KNEW THAT SHE WAS A SIGHT FOR SORE EYES. When she entered the great hall the next morning with her friends by her side there were glances coming her way.

Her family name is just as legendary as the Black name. Something that Reyna knew all too well that she had a reputation to uphold.

"Oi! Reyna lookin' good this year!" a Gryffindor by the name Gideon called to the blonde. Finn, being the overprotective friend he is, wanted to lunge right there and now.

She flipped her and shot the Prewett a look, "I look like this every year, Prewett. And you're nowhere near getting a chance with me ever."

Echoes of laughs and snickers rung the Great Hall. Regulus who was already sitting at the table chuckled quietly and looked at her with admiration.

She wasn't the type to bat an eyelash at any man that tries to woo her.

Reyna De Martel has the sharpest tongue of all and that's what Regulus loved about her.

He didn't realize he said love.

The boy's cheeks had a faint blush at the thought. He was thirteen years old for Salazar's sake. 

"I can't believe him, does he not take a hint that I'm not interested?"

"Well, you are one of Hogwarts' beautiful girls out there." Finn grabbed a biscuit.

The blonde huffed in frustration and glared at her plate of food. "I want someone to not like me for my looks or body Finn." she snapped. All the pureblood pricks she met at the Gala's set up by her father ( ━ despite her mother's disagreement ) always end up with the man's hair on fire thanks to her lessons with Bellatrix on wandless magic.

Sometimes the Lestrange brothers would have to escort the bloke away from the raging De Martel.

Arms wrapped around her shoulders, "If it isn't my favorite Veela."

"I'm only a half Veela Sonia." Reyna corrected and turned around to hug her best girlfriend.

Sonia Patil has been her roommate and best friend other than Regulus. They both became closer over the years over their competitiveness in Defense Against Dark Arts.

She is the second family member to get sorted in Slytherin. Sonia Patil has a close relationship with her father but not her mother ( — who's a Ravenclaw ).

"Summer has been hell. My mother has been up my ass because she wants me to become a Healer instead of an Auror. Dev had to keep my mother from attacking me."

"Mothers will always worry over their children, but we'll have to choose to pursue a career by the fifth year." Regulus pointed out. His mother wasn't so worried about his future career plans but his father wanted him to work for the Ministry to keep a public profile.

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