𝐢𝐱. WHEN STARS COLLIDE [ rewritten ]

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Chapter Nine⠀⠀when stars collide

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Chapter Nine⠀⠀when stars collide

Chapter Nine⠀⠀when stars collide

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The silent game is something Reyna was pretty good at when she was a child. So the moment the Veela returned back to the castle, she found Regulus already waiting for her.

Of course, Regulus came over and tried to say something to her. Only for her to blatantly pass by and ignore him.

He's tried to apologize plenty of times only to receive an eye roll.

And the game went on for days and bloody hell that made Regulus frustrated. Sonia thought it was what he deserved for being a jealous git when she knew all too well that Reyna had every right to be angry.

Rafael even gave him a lecture, "I told you an hour before we left not to piss her off and what the fuck do you do? YOU BLOODY DO IT."

Meanwhile, Reyna thought she was going too far, considering the fact that she knew that she was at fault as well for lying to him about Severus.

Now she was really debating on whether to apologize to him or not. Except Reyna was too stubborn to actually go up to him.

"You two are being absolutely ridiculous," Sonia uttered, switching her head back and forth between Regulus who sat a couple of seats away from them with Finn and Rafael by his side, and Reyna.

Reyna munched on her garlic bread and rolled her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, young lady."

"Sorry, mum."

Sonia didn't comment on her sarcasticness but instead, let out a loud dramatic sigh. She wanted things to be back to normal already.

Meanwhile, over where the boys were Regulus was absolutely devastated by the turn of events that happened a few days ago. He looked absolutely miserable.

"She'll get over it...Reyna looks like she wants to break." Rafael gestured to the blonde sitting beside the Patil.

Finn shook his head in disagreement, "No she's stubborn...something she got from Bellatrix or Jasper. Both of them are twats honestly."

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