020; MARKING HIS CLAIM [ rewritten ]

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࿐·✩ A/N: I just realized I made a mistake in the last chapter. Regulus and Reyna are in their fourth year so they are not Prefects yet! Once I'm finished with this book I'll go back and edit it!

 Regulus and Reyna are in their fourth year so they are not Prefects yet! Once I'm finished with this book I'll go back and edit it!

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Chapter Twenty⠀⠀marking his claim

Regulus Arcturus Black absolutely detested Severus Snape

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Regulus Arcturus Black absolutely detested Severus Snape. Maybe they were mutual friends the moment he sat in the compartment. However, they were only acquainted because of one person.

"So it's true then, the rumors of cutting off your brother. I have to admit, I didn't think you would have the guts." Severus drawled. He was alone in the common room.

A book snapped shut and Regulus clutched onto it gently, he narrowed his eyes at the greasy-haired boy. He was wearing a beige jacket and pants. "Severus didn't realize you were so concerned about my life choices."

"Scram, half-blood."

The Snape only glared heatedly. "I'm sure Reyna wouldn't like you speaking those terms to anyone."

"Anyone except for a git like you that's for sure." Regulus retorted spitefully. He just wanted his girlfriend to come downstairs already and go to Hogsmeade.

Speaking of his lovely girlfriend ( ━━who owned his heart since they were eleven ) came down the stairs to find his ex-friend and boyfriend in a stare-off.

"Did I interrupt something?" Reyna questioned, startled by the atmosphere in the room wearing a green jumper, long black boots, and a checkered long black skirt. The De Martel's arm had a purse slung around her shoulder.

Regulus's cold exterior twisted into one of adoration at the sight of the blonde.

Severus harshly swallowed and tried hard not to stare at her for so long in complete awe.

The Black saw that look in his coal eyes that made Regulus awfully furious and jealous. He didn't like it when men stare at his girlfriend like a piece of jewel.

So he went over to Reyna and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. Regulus's lips collided with the blonde's and gave her a harsh, rough, and passionate kiss.

The kiss was like drinking the strongest wine and never getting drunk off it. Reyna let out a noise of surprise but didn't complain.

Regulus was doing this to stake his claim and Reyna was all here for it. She wanted to put Severus in his place for all the things he said about her and her sister.

He pulls away and admires Reyna's swollen lips and flushed cheeks.

Severus let out a 'tch' and left the Common room with a bruised ego and misery clouding his features.

"You're hot when you are jealous." Reyna lets out a small laugh. She didn't expect her third kiss to be like this.

"I can't help it, you're gorgeous, stunning, kind, and so much more all wrapped in one." Regulus cooed, he wanted nothing more than to go back to the dorms and just lay in bed listening to music.

Without a warning, Regulus picked Reyna up. The De Martel shrieked and laughed. Regulus flashed an adorable grin that made Reyna's heart melt.

𓆩♡𓆪 ˚. 𓄼

"Damn Regulus really went for it huh?" Marlene Mckinnon smirked, eying the boy from a few yards away to her friend. The blonde hastily smacked Marlene with her book.

The girls were currently sitting under a big oak tree studying for their upcoming exams.

"Reyna did a number on him too. They weren't exactly quiet. I can't believe he did that in front of Snape. I wish I can see his face!

"Shut up, Marls, Sonia!" however she pleads with Alice's squeal of horror and Marlen's cackling.

Meanwhile Lily continued her lecture, "You are too young! Marlene, do not encourage this rebellious behavior." she scolded.

"Reg and I didn't even go that far. We're fourteen!" Reyna blushed. If anything she was terrified of that type of stuff. They only went as far as making out.

A chorus of awes erupted from the girls. Sonia, Marlene, Lily, Dorcas, and Alice all thought it was sweet of Regulus. They never really associated with him due to many...circumstances but he seemed to make their ball of sunshine happy.

"Sirius has been down in the dumps lately, but he's been getting better," Alice informed. Everyone knew of the Black brother's latest argument.

Regulus continued to remain indifferent and ignore his brother in the halls. Sometimes he'd throw in the word, 'blood traitor' into the mix whenever she wasn't around.

"Black needed to wake up. Regulus needed his big brother." Sonia proclaimed. "I'm glad he realizes that his actions say more than words. I never really noticed how strained their relationship is."

Marlene nodded in agreement. For a long time, she liked Sirius as more than a friend. They went on a couple of dates as well. "I'm sure they will make up in due time. But not anytime soon."

"So Finn Nott huh?" Lily smirked towards her Ravenclaw friend. A groan escaped Sonia and the girls laughed once more.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 𓍯 𓈒𓄹
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I'm on a roll with these updates! I enjoy writing this fic and hopefully the sequel will be published soon. Also, I'm thinking of changing the layout of this book along with every other book on here so if you receive spams, i'm sorry! By the way they are FOURTEEN and young. They did NOT do the dirty smh.

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