𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢. BE MY BABY [ rewritten ]

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Chapter Sixteen ⠀⠀ be my baby

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Chapter Sixteen ⠀⠀ be my baby

Chapter Sixteen ⠀⠀ be my baby

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DINNER WAS FINALLY OVER AND HER PARENTS decided to explain things clearer for Reyna.

Edward sat at his desk in a large comforter chair. Then her mother Penelope stood beside her husband.

"I'm sure you have questions." Edward began, his daughter sat there absolutely bewildered ever since they got back.

"Questions? Oh, I have a load of questions I want to be answered." Reyna snapped, earning a glare from her mother.

"Watch your tongue, Reyna."

Reyna shot her mother a sneer and laid back in her chair. Although her mother may have been sweet, that didn't change the fact that she can be a real bitch sometimes.

"A long time ago when I was pregnant with you...and Walburga was pregnant with Regulus...

"It was a promise we made when Walburga and I got pregnant around the same time," Once her daughter calmed down, Penelope began to explain the story, "For the longest time, the De Martel's and Blacks have been close. We thought that maybe...since Walburga was having a baby boy━and I was having another girl━"

"━What the hell," Reyna muttered. The De Martel felt like she heard enough.

Penelope looked at her pleadingly, "All we want for you is to have a secure future━You and Regulus have always been close.

Edward sat back in his chair and glared at his wife, he then looked at his daughter, "We didn't mean to keep this from you."

"Were you ever going to tell me about this? For the past twelve years, both of you have planned out my future." her outburst surprised her parents. She wasn't the type to yell at her parents. That was mostly Andrea who defied them.

Reyna didn't know what the future may be like. But a future with Regulus wasn't bad. She should be happy about it, except this was all thrown at her out of nowhere.

Maybe it was the fact that she was young. A girl that still has her education to think about and marriage is the last thing she wanted to think about. After all, Reyna wanted to become an Auror or Healer.

She left and purposely slammed the door. Penelope's yells could be heard through the halls but Reyna didn't care.

The New year's party is an event held by one of the Pureblood families each year. This year, it was the De Martel family to host the event.

Jasper was getting his suit measured while Reyna sat at the vanity putting on some accessories. For the past week, Reyna refused to eat with her parents until today.

"Are you seriously getting mad about this arranged marriage? I thought you were dating Regulus." Jasper pointed out.

The De Martel rolled her eyes and breathed in through her nose to hide the frustration.

"Jasper of course you wouldn't complain...I mean you are our parent's bitch after all." Reyna mumbled.

The man grabbed his wand and blasted the vase next to the vanity, making her yelp in surprise. Reyna glared at her brother through the mirror.

"Andrea isn't here to protect you...sister. So I suggest you hold your tongue."

Reyna pursed her lips and hid her anxiousness as she cast her eyes downward, pretending to look for perfume.

Once he left the room Reyna sighed in relief. In her jewelry box, she shakily grabbed a paper and held it to her chest, cradling it like it was her lifeline.

"Miss Reyna, the party is going to start in five minutes. Mistress told me to come to get you."

House Elf Dorota popped into her room.

"Thank you, Dorota."

Regulus Arcturus Black stood beside his friends Finn and Rafael. He didn't hesitate to write to them after the whole showdown a few nights ago.

This whole time his parents have lied to them. Marriage is something he never thought much about. He's thirteen! Almost turning fourteen soon.

"I can't say I'm surprised mate, I mean both your parents are close." Rafael voiced, sipping on his flute of orange juice.

"The De Martel's have been around just as long as the Black family," Finn explained, eating his cheesecake.

The Black sighed, "I'm worried about Reyna...you see she's scared about this kind of stuff. It's what she's feared for years,"

"I would rather her be with you than some other bloody prick." Rafael sneered. He was overprotective of the blonde in a brotherly manner.

When Regulus was about to comment, he spotted Reyna wearing a grey dress making her way to the balcony doors, most likely to get away from the crowd.
Quickly, Regulus chased after the girl.


The said girl turned around amazed to see Regulus at the party. Of course, he'd be here.


"We need to talk."

They sat on the chairs of the balcony staring at the vast gardens. "So I'm guessing you want to talk about that."

"Arrange marriage?" Regulus questioned, "Reyna... I'm furious about it but I'm not mad at all...I always thought about what it might be like to build a home with you." he stated, flustered and quite embarrassed at his confession.

Reyna's heart fluttered at his words and also flushed, "I wouldn't mind either but we're thirteen and still have a life ahead of us. I would much like to be your girlfriend first."

Before the De Martel could correct her last words Regulus chuckled slightly in astonishment. "Did Reyna De Martel ask me out first?"


He looked at her in sheer awe and wore the most beautiful smile Reyna's ever seen.

Regulus cupped her cheeks and brought her closer into an embrace. "You aren't joking with me?"


"This isn't a dream Reg, this is real."

"It's a yes for me."


The clock strikes midnight and their fate is sealed with a kiss.

.* ╱ 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 𓍯 𓈒𓄹
━━━━ ༻✵༺━━━━


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