Chapter 1

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Elsa's P.O.V.

I walk home from school alone. It's been two weeks since I left my home. My life is amazing. I still do have an awesome family.

I have a nice home and the most amazing person in my life. The one who made me feel welcome. The warmest, kindest boy ever. Hiccup H. Haddock III. I walk up to the house unlocking the door. I walk in the surprising quiet house.

Hiccup's either in the kitchen or asleep on the couch. He's been doing a lot of sleeping lately. He's probably bored. He still had two months and a half to go.

He'll be back in school soon. Hopefully. I can't keep going to school alone. I set my bag down.


I heard Toothless bark upstairs then saw him run down the stairs. "Hey, bud!" I say to him kneeling down. He licked my face. I look up to see Hiccup coming down the stairs slowly.

"Oh, you're home?" He asked coming to me. I stand up giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah. I'm so glad it's Friday," I say to him.


"Schools a pain."

"Then you're lucky it's Friday." He gave me a smirk. I smile as he went into the kitchen. I follow him. I sit down at the table as he goes to the counter. "Hungry?" He asked.

"Hiccup you don't have to get that for me." I moan.

"Yes I do!" he answered with a smirk. I groan again slumping in my chair. I get an idea in my head. Without Hiccup seeing, I silently form a snowball in my hand then whipped it at him hitting him in the face.

"What the--" He Proclaimed, which made me start laughing. He wipes the snow off of his face looking at me. "Really?"

I laugh some more. He chuckled a little setting a plate in front of me.

"You're lucky you're pretty!" He said sitting down.

I tear the crust of the bread off my sandwich. I stopped then looked at Hiccup. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I don't really feel good," I say to him.

I watched his expression change. I really don't feel good. "In what way?" He asked.

"I don't know I feel like I'm going to pass out or throw up," I tell him.

He gets up giving his food to the dog. He comes to me taking my hand helping me up.

"Maybe you're just tired." He said calmly. I nod a little staring at him. "Why don't you lay down." He said to me.

"But--" I start but he cuts me off.

"No buts. If you're not feeling well you need to sleep. Trust me. I still have to you might as well too." He said to me.

I go to take a step but lose my balance. He caught my then lifted me up bridal style.

"Hiccup!" I whine to him playfully.

"Elsa?!" He complained back with a smirk.

I smile lightly punching him. He carried me to the couch in the parlor setting me on it. I sit up a little as he sits on the chair next to me. "Do you need anything?" he asked.

"My sandwich and maybe a drink," I say quietly.

He got up leaving the parlor. Toothless came in jumping up on the couch laying on my legs. He rested his head on my stomach sniffing me. He continued to sniff me then look at me.

I pet him gently. "What's wrong, bud?"

He licked my arm. Hiccup returned with my plate, a glass of water, his phone, and his laptop. "Here," he said or me handing me the plate and glass.

"Thanks!" He gave me a small then sat back in the chair. We stay silent for a moment, letting him finish whatever he had on his laptop. I finish my sandwich then slowly drifted to sleep.


Hiccup's P.O.V.

I stood at the door to the parlor with Toothless beside me. I watched Elsa who was still asleep on the couch. I hope she's okay. I don't want her catching a cold.

... She's lucky it's the weekend. Kim comes up behind me putting her hand on my shoulder.

"You going to bring her to her bed?" She asked.

"Yeah soon,"

"I wouldn't worry too much about her, Hiccup. I'm sure she'll be fine, maybe she's just a little bit homesick," Kim said to me.

I sigh softly. "Yeah, you're probably right,"

Kim smiles at me then goes to the kitchen again. I go to Elsa again moving her. I gently pick her up again supporting her. She flinched opening her eyes. "Relax!"

She mumbled quietly closing her eyes again. I look to the dog, he sits there wagging his tail. "Toothless, come." He bolts up the stairs past me meeting m me at the top floor. I manage to get up the stairs. I go into her room laying her down. I cover her in the blankets then left the room with the dog.

Keeping A Promise (Book 2) (Hiccelsa) EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now