Chapter 11

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Elsa's P.O.V.



"Abort that piece of shit!"

"Should've kept your legs closed, idiot!"

"You're folks must be so proud!"

"Should've used birth control pills!"

Insults after insults came flying out of their mouths towards me. I feel like thousands of knives stabbing me in the heart. These people keep bulling me with cruel words. And those aren't the worse ones-- excluding the abortion one.

Where's the freaking bell when you need it?!

I slowly wrap my arms around my stomach as if I feel the need to protect my child from these batshit crazy teenagers because they're getting to close for comfort. I feel my heart pound faster as they keep shouting at me. I am trying my best not to cry at their hurtful insults because that's what they want. They want me to cry. They want me to feel pain because if there's anything that I've learned in life is that people are like a pack of wolves, where they will drag you and beat you to the ground and if they are really that cruel then they will beat you to ground more than they did before.

But for Pete's sake, what did I really do to deserve this harsh treatment? All I did was have sex and got myself pregnant! Is that so wrong? And I bet half of these people aren't virgins either so they might as well shut their gosh damn mouths and quit playing saint with me.

"Abort that kid. You will be an unfit mother." A guy screamed from the back.

I have never even met half of these people before and I bet they have never met me either so why are they all up in my life and my business all of the sudden? Just because I'm pregnant? Pfft, people really do need to get themselves some lives these days because my life was never their business in the first place so they need to get off my back and quit acting like it.

"Slut." A girl said to me in disgust before she walked off.

I'm a slut when I've had only dated one boy in my life -- that's Hiccup. and had sex only ONE time with the same boy?

People really do need to look up the definitions of these insults because they obviously don't know the meaning of them. I'm a slut because I'm pregnant? Well, I hope they realize they're insulting every single mother in this world, including their own, for even thinking that it is okay to say that to young women out there who are carrying unborn fetuses in their womb.

"Elsa!" I heard my name being called. I turned my head and saw that it was no other but Hiccup H. Haddock, himself trying to cut through the crowd towards me. "Would you people just move!" I heard him snap. People instantly moved off him.

"Is he the one?" I heard Mavis and her friends whispering about Hiccup. "The one who got her pregnant?"

Well, now they know who the father is. Hiccup continued to cut through the crowd. I smiled as I saw my child's daddy, and my second savior coming through. As Hiccup walked through the crowd I see a bunch of guys with their hands out trying to get a high-five from him for knocking me up.

I will never understand why when someone is pregnant it's always the girls that get treated like dirt and the guys practically receive a celebration for it. I mean they're the fathers; they pretty much get the girls to get pregnant, so why can't the girls get the same celebration that we deserve as well?

I smiled as I saw Hiccup ignoring the people around him and manage to get himself to me. I gave him a tight embrace as I felt him hug me back.

"I am so glad, you came," I said ignoring the irrelevant people that are surrounding us.

"I said I'd always be here, Elsa." Hiccup said looking hurt that I would doubt him for even one second.

"Sorry. It's just with the crazy crowd that's in front of me, I just thought--"

"Did they hurt you?" Hiccup as he checked my body for any injuries at all before he looked at me straight in the eyes.

"They hurt me emotionally but they didn't hurt me physically," I said as I gave him an assuring smile.

"Awww, I'm sorry Snowflake. You don't deserve it. But I promise you it will get better." Hiccup said as he put his hand on my two-months-old stomach.

I looked down where his hand was at and smiled as I put my hands over them. "It already is," I said as I looked up at his emerald green eyes.

He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed him back. The sound of angry teenagers yelling was nothing but noise in the background to us. He pulled back and bent down to my stomach level. "Hey, there Junior." He whispered to the baby. I see the girls trying not to tear up. "Daddy loves you." And with that, he kissed my stomach.

My heart flutters with love as I watch this extremely cute scene in front of me. I hear a bunch of girls go "aww" as they took a picture of this. Of course, these girls would take a picture of a hot guy kissing his pregnant girl's stomach.

The bell rings causing the teenagers to finally to dissipate from the hallway to their first-period class. Yeah, NOW they want to leave. I rolled my eyes at this before I turn my gaze to Hiccup. "Come on, I'll take you home." He said taking my hand gently leading me to the door.

"What about you're volunteer work?" I ask. He looked at me.

"It can wait." He said leaving me to the car.

Keeping A Promise (Book 2) (Hiccelsa) EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now