Chapter 7

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Elsa's P.O.V.

I'm at my doctor's office, alone. Hiccup would be here, but he had to do something for his dad. He's coming to pick me up though. I sit waiting for a nurse to come out and say my name so I can get this appointment over with.

My leg was shaking in anticipation, hoping everything goes well for my baby and I. How can I not be nervous? It has been six weeks since I have found out that I was pregnant (Making me eight weeks pregnant) This is my very first appointment for it. I honestly don't know what to expect from it but I hope for the very best.

I bet Hiccup is just as nervous as I am but he's not there. Even if he was here, he'd choose to keep his feelings inside for my sake. GOD! Why does it always takes so long for a nurse to come out and lead you inside of the office?

"Elizabeth Arendelle." An American woman dressed in blue said as she waits by the door for me to walk inside. The nurse walked me to a room in the office where she checked my blood pressure, height, weight, and she got a few blood samples. She then led me to another room with a bed attached to a monitor screen. This is it. This is my first ultrasound at sixteen. I sit down on the bed.

I wish Hiccup was here. "Dr. Emmett will be in just about ten minutes." The nurse said before she left this room with a smile. After a bit, I heard a knock on the door. Well, that was faster than I've expected. "Come in," I said.

A male doctor that looks about to be in his thirties came in with his doctor uniform on. He has jet black hair and sapphire eyes. "Hello, you must be Elizabeth Arendelle?" He greeted me with a handshake.

"Yes. But it's just Elsa" I answer nervously.

"Mr. Haddock? Who is he?" He asked looking at me.

"Uhm. The father of the child." I say.

He grunted then turned me and started asking a few simple questions about how everything is going for me and the baby so far. "And you're eight weeks into the pregnancy, right?' He asked in the end.

"Correct," I said with a smile.

"Then everything appears to be normal." The doctor said. I clapped my hands lightly in happiness that everything is going great so far. Hiccup would be happy to hear that.

"I'm going to bring the nurse that did your blood, height, and weight to do your ultrasound. Until next time." He said as he stood up and shook my hand before he left the room replacing with the American nurse from earlier.

"Alright then. Please lay on your back and lift your shirt up to reveal only your stomach." She started. "I will apply a mineral oil-based jelly to your skin." She ordered.

I lay back and exposed my stomach to her. "This will be cold." She warned me as she squirted the cold, blue goo on my belly. I shivered as it hit my warm body. Good call, lady. She waved a wand around it as she tried to get a clear image and sound from the monitor. The first thing I've heard was the heartbeat. I bit my bottom lip again as I tried to contain myself from squealing like a fangirl. "There's your baby." She said as she looked at the screen. I took one look at the screen and I couldn't contain myself this time. Who would with this image?

"I cannot believe this!" I said in pure happiness. Hiccup, it's our baby. I whisper in my head to Hiccup.

"Congratulation, Ms. Arendelle!" The nurse exclaimed in excitement for me. I clapped my hands loudly in pure delight. "Your due date should be around September fourteenth with the development of your child," The nurse said. This is wonderful! Around Anna's birthday, I will have a bundle of joy in my arms. How can it be less exciting than that? The nurse cleaned the goo off of my stomach.

"I will see you in about sixteen weeks for another ultrasound and I can be able to tell the gender by then."

"Alright, thank you so much! You've been nothing but a pleasure to me!" I exclaimed in happiness as I shook her hand before she left.

"Dr. Emmett will escort you to the waiting room to your boyfriend." She said then left. I sit there for a while lost in thought. What if I lose Hiccup because of this child? When my aunt and uncle find out, they might not let me see him again, because he got me pregnant.

No, I won't lose Hiccup. I will step up to the plate of this game in my life so that everyone that I love will be happy and healthy. My gosh, it feels there is a spider web in my head with this new information running in my mind. But I must calm down for the baby's and Hiccup's sake. But I can't live in fear. For the baby's sake, we need to be strong. I need to be strong. For Hiccup and the baby. I never knew what would happen these past few weeks and I can't be sure of what will happen in the future but I can't sit around in fear that things will turn out to be bad.

No. I must pray for the best and be at my best. It's the only way that I know that everything will be fine. If I let fear overwhelm us to the point where we can't even take care of our child. Which is why I need to help the father-to-be out of his fear. After all, there's nothing to fear but fear itself.

Dr. Emmett came into the room. I sat up a little. "Let me help you." He said lending me a hand and led me out the exit door of the doctor's office.

He leads me into the main room where Hiccup waited for me. Hiccup looked up from his phone then smiled when he saw me. "Hey, Els. How'd it go?" he asked.

"Good. The baby's supposed to be due September 14th," I tell him.

Dr. Emmett looked at Hiccup with a look. "Ah, this is the boyfriend? Mr. Haddock," he asked.

"Yes, I am." Hiccup said with a look on his face. I ruffled his dark brown hair with my right hand as I smiled at him.

"So we're here because you got her pregnant?" He asked to Hiccup as he pointed at me.

Hiccup cleared throat giving him a look. "Yes."

I knew Hiccup was getting annoyed. He doesn't like to be questioned. "Well, you better take care of her and this child, or else." The doctor said firmly to Hiccup.

I nodded my head in agreement and added, "Yeah! Or else."

"I am not planning to leave anytime soon." Hiccup said as he crosses his arms over his chest.

Dr. Emmett patted Hiccup roughly on the back. "I'll see you, kids in a couple of months." He said to us then left. Hiccup looked at me.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Yeah," He smiled taking my arm. He leads me to the car helping me climb into the car before he went in as well and drove us home.

Keeping A Promise (Book 2) (Hiccelsa) EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now