Chapter 16

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Elsa's P.O.V.

After another day of torment at school, I walked into the Diner so I can start my first day at my job as a waitress. Since Hiccup doesn't have to go to work today, he came along with me for support. "Welcome to the Diner, Elsa." Taylor greeted me with a smile, "Let me go get Andrew for you."

I smiled as I saw her walk away to get my boss out for me. "I'm so proud of you!" Hiccup whispered as he wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. I smiled as he kissed my cheek.

"Thanks," I said, turning my head to him. We kissed each other briefly before we pulled away from each other so my boss won't see us like that.

"Good afternoon, Elsa. I hope you had a lovely day so far." Andrew said. I nodded my head. I know I said that I had a horrible day so far but nobody else has to know about that. Besides, the day can always get better, right? "Here's your uniform. The bathroom is right over there for you to change and once you're done, Taylor will show you what to do, alright?" Andrew informed me as he extended his arm full of clothes to me.

"Yes, sir. Thank you for everything." I told him as I grabbed the clothes out of his arms and went to go change in the bathroom. It was a baby blue dress with a white collar and sleeves. When I got out of the bathroom, I see that Hiccup and Taylor are having a small conversation together. Hiccup's usually anti-social. He doesn't talk much. At least he's already trying to get along with my co-workers. "How'd I look?"I asked the two, who quickly paused their conversation to look at me.

Being Hiccup, he was the first to come up and compliment me. "You look adorable, Snowflake."

I winked at Hiccup for the comment, "Thanks."

"You look great! Now come on, let me show you around the place." Taylor said as she turned around and walked away with me following close behind.

Taylor showed me the clock room, the kitchen, the dining room inside and outside, the employees' room, and last but not least the stand where she usually works at, to wait for people to come in so she can sit them down.

"Great! I think you're all set. Your first customer is sitting right over there." Taylor said as she hands me a pen and a notepad, nodding her head at one of the window seats. I looked at the customer where she was jerking her head at and had to resist making a rude face and/or sound. Seriously out of all the citizens in Burgess, my first customer had to be Justin Williams? Why do I have to be so unlucky?

I nodded my head at Taylor and walked over to the little troll. Justin looked at me as I appeared right in front of him and made a frown. "Seriously, you work here?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Justin. And I'm your waitress for today, what would you like to order?" I asked as I get my pen ready to write down whatever he has in mind.

The little snotnose rolled his eyes at me. "For you to die in a hole."

"Alright, one order to call in your doctor so you can get checked for bitcheria. Oops, I forgot. You're already diagnosed." I said as I make it look like I'm writing some words down.

"At least I'm not the queen of ugliness unlike you."Justin retorted. Then he should look in the mirror because he isn't attractive in any way as well. I quickly glance to Hiccup then back to Justin. Knowing, he is probably listening to our conversation and is getting ready to pounce Justin at any second. Not wanting for him to get kicked out, I hold my hand out for him to stop.

I turned around and mouthed, "I got this." Hiccup seemed to have received the message and only resulted to simply glare at my tormenter. I watched Hiccup for a moment who leaned against the bar table.

Keeping A Promise (Book 2) (Hiccelsa) EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now