Chapter 30

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Elsa's P.O.V.

"You okay?" Hiccup asked me in the car on the way to the hospital.

"I'm okay. Just get me to the hospital, please." I said. I felt another contraction. That's the fourth one. Hiccup just did as he was told, driving to the entrance of the medical center. Luckily, we got the parking spot near the door. He parked the car, got out, and went to my side to help me out.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, concerned as I climbed out of the car.

You mean besides having my water broken eleven minutes ago and having contractions? "I'm fine." I smiled at him with reassurance.

"Everything is going to be okay." He said as we made it inside the Hospital's lobby. Says the one that doesn't have to give birth. I think he's just reassuring himself more than anything. I smiled at him as he sat me down and went to the registration desk, doing all of the talking for me. I really need to thank that man for putting up with my garbage. I saw the nurse in purple scrubs pick up the phone and talking to who knows who. I gripped my seat as I felt another pain seize through.

Why do women have to suffer everything? The next thing I know, a male nurse came in with a wheelchair in his hand. I looked at him, smirking to myself. He was really hot, I'm not going to lie. He held his hand towards. "Please come with me, Miss. We will get you set up in the maternity room while your boyfriend registers you in." The nurse said with a British accent. He just got even cuter. I looked at his name tag. Kendall. Of course.

He helped me settle down on the wheelchair. "How long were you together, mate?" Kendall asked, trying to make the conversation interesting as he pushed me to the elevator.

"As of this past Tuesday, a year," I said with happiness.

"What's the kid's name?" He asked as he pushed me out the elevator and to some halls.

"Hiccup," I said with a smile on my face. Hiccup, Hiccup, Hiccup. I truly do love that man.

"And what's your name, forgive me for not asking?" Kendall asked.

"Elizabeth, but I mainly go by Elsa," I said.

"Lovely name, Elsa. What are you having?" The nurse continues to ask as he strolls me into a room.

"I'm just having the one. I don't know the gender however," I said as he helped me climb on the bed.

"That sounds amazing. This is a very big day for you and your boyfriend." Kendall commented.

"Yeah," I said, my eyes widening at that.

"Well, all I can say is God bless you for being so strong. I know everything will work out for you just fine. The doctor will be in a few minutes." The nurse said, leaving. I nodded my head as I looked behind him.

"I got the car parked! Also, your Aunt and Uncle will --" I hear Hiccup proclaim, as he rushed into the room, tripping as he came into the room.

Kendall caught him before he could fall. "Careful boy, you nearly went head first," Kendall told him.

Hiccup stood up slowly. "Right. Sorry. I have two right feet," he said as a pun, considering he only really has a right foot.

"Don't sweat it. Every first father is like that." Kendall says to him.

"No. He's always like that, he's as clumsy as a badger." I say as I waved at him and he smiled at me.

"How are you doing?" He asked.

"Better. I haven't had a contraction in --" I was about to continue, but I was cut off with another wave of contraction. "Never mind."

"That seems really painful." He commented.

"You have no idea," I said, breathing calmly. Hiccup gently grabbed my hand. I smiled at him. He really is a great guy. I'm so lucky to have him. I leaned up and kissed him. "Thank you for everything," I said.

"No problem. That's what boyfriends are for, right?" He asked. I nodded my head slowly. Hiccup leaned down to kiss me on the lips. He backed up.

"As I was saying before I nearly died over there, I called you're family and Merida. They're going to be here soon." He said being that Rapunzel was already here with us in another room.

"What about your dad?" I ask.

I saw the hurt look grow in his eyes. I know what that means. "He's not coming.." Hiccup said slowly. "He had something happen in the office."

"Oh. I'm so sorry, honey.." I feel bad for him. His father couldn't even put time aside for his only child's baby? "Don't worry about it, Els. He's missed a lot of things. Like three of my Birthdays," He joked, though I knew he was hurt about it all.

A doctor in all white uniform and a clipboard came in with Kendall by his side. "Hello, Elsa. I'm Doctor Ryan. It's nice to meet you and your boyfriend." Doctor Ryan said, shaking my hand and Hiccup's hand. Kendall walked towards me and hooked me up to an IV, heart monitor, and all the other medical machine.

"Nice to meet you too," I said slowly.

"How are you feeling at this moment?" He asked me calmly. I had another seep through. This one was really strong. "How many times have you had a contraction today?" He asked.

"Like eight," I said.

"Okay, how far apart are they?"

"The first three were at least four minutes apart. The rest had an eight-minute gap." I informed him

"When was your conception date?" He asked, scribbling things down on his clipboard.

"December 31st," I said, knowing the date by heart.

"That would make you thirty-six weeks." He said, writing it down.

"Is that bad?" I asked, worried.

"No, no, no. You'd be worried if it was more time with that since it will increase your chance of having a still born." Doctor Ryan informed me.

I widen my eyes at that information. "So what's going to happen, am I going to have an induction? A cesarean?" I asked. I really hope I can have a natural birth.

"That all depends on the position of the baby. I will run an ultrasound on you and check to see if it is safe to do a vaginal birth. I will check the dilation of the baby to see if now would be the right to bring them out into the world." Doctor Ryan said as he opened a cabin and gave me a gown.

"Go into the bathroom and make sure you take everything off except the gown. You can have your boyfriend watch your clothes." I nodded my head as I went to the bathroom and did as I was told. I came back and gave my clothes to my boyfriend, who gave me a small smile of reassurance. "Do you want your boyfriend to be here in the room with you?" Doctor Ryan asked.

"Yes," I said, nodding my head.

"Okay." Doctor said. He placed a white, blanket over my private part and lift up my shirt. He squirted a cool, green gel on my stomach and waved a wand over my stomach. I looked at the black and white screen in surprise. Oh, I'm definitely going to give birth today as I see the baby in a fetal position. "From the look of it, this baby could be able to come out through natural birth." I nodded my head in understanding. 

"I am going to dilate you. If you are not fully dilated, then we will give you an epidural for you to sleep until you are fully dilated." Doctor Ryan informed as he put some gloves on. He did what he needed to do. "You're at least eight centimeters apart which will only take you a couple of hours until you're dilated."

"Will the epidural hurt the baby?" I asked, trying to take precaution at this. I saw a lot of positive and negative review on the internet. I just need to verify it.

"No. It will just numb your pain to the contractions. It will also help you fall asleep which will help you pass the time until you're ten centimeters." The Doctor informed. "Will you be alright with that?"

I looked at Hiccup, who sighed and nodded slowly. I nodded my head at the doctor as he started to fill a needle with the pain killers medicine. Doctor Ryan injected the pointy, needle in my arm. I felt my eyes growing heavy as my body is being filled with the epidural.

The last thing I see is Hiccup before I black out.

Keeping A Promise (Book 2) (Hiccelsa) EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now