Chapter 9

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

I stood by the stairs alone the next morning. I need to talk to dad about this. I hope he handles it better than Elsa's aunt and uncle. I don't think he'll take it that bad. Since I'm his only kid, he's always joking around with me saying he wanted grandchildren.

Elsa came down the stairs slowly. "Scared?" she asked.


She took my hand. "You'll be fine. I'm here."

I smile. "Thanks!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kim coming with dad. "What's so important that you need to speak now, Hiccup?" dad asked me.

"Dad, come with me," I say taking his hand.

"I didn't come to hold hands Hiccup," he told me.

"I know. But you need to sit for this!" I said leading him to the parlor. Elsa followed. Dad sat down looking at me.

"Don't tell me you were arrested, Hiccup?" dad asked.

"What? no!" I hiss.

"Caught for stealing something?"




"Something way worse."

"No! Just listen!" I snap. Dad stayed silent. I sat down on the couch across from him. Elsa sat beside me. My leg was shaking in fear of what the outcome of this would be. I was fidgeting with my fingers. What will he exactly react to the news that Elsa and I are teenage parents? Would he kick me out? Would they start yelling at Elsa and call her bad names? So many unanswered questions are fulfilling in my head that made me doubt if telling them right now was the best idea. I glanced down at Elsa's somewhat flat stomach and I remember the conversation that we had in my car last night.

I reminded myself that this really was a good time to tell them. It really would be worst if he found out by the sudden change in Elsa's appearance. "Okay, son. I'm sitting down now what do you need to tell me that is so important?" Dad asked, in a calm voice. Elsa put a hand on leg knee trying to stop the shaking.

I felt Elsa slip her hand into mine and squeeze my hand for comfort. I squeezed back in appreciation. We looked at each other and gave each other a small smile as we turned around to see the elder sitting down. "Today Hiccup!" my dad interrupted my thoughts.

Well, here goes nothing. I was about to announce him the news when Elsa beat me to it.

"Mr. Haddock. I-I'm pregnant." Elsa said, hesitantly. I can't believe she threw herself under the bus for me like that. I watch as my dad's calm demeanor quickly changed into shock.

"What?" He asked in a tone.

"Elsa's pregnant!" I say with a small laugh.

"Whoa, whoa. So you two are having a baby?" Dad asked, trying to get a clear grasp of the situation. Elsa and I nodded our heads.

"Wow. Congratulations Elsa." Dad said to her.

"Thanks!?" she sounded confused.

"When did this happen?" He asked in exasperation.

"It happened eight weeks ago in a park during the night." I slowly answered.

"And you didn't use protection or anything?" He asked. We shook our heads no.

Dad looked at me. "Hiccup, how could you be so irresponsible?" Dad questioned.

I rolled my eyes. I knew this would be his reaction.

Keeping A Promise (Book 2) (Hiccelsa) EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now