Chapter 26

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Hiccup and I sat at the table in the kitchen. We both have lists for names, but they are both blanks.

Who knew finding names for a baby would be hard. Hiccup has a pad of paper in his hand, half asleep. I don't blame him. We've been here or an hour and still have nothing. The scary thing is, the baby will be here in like three or two months and we're not really ready. And we don't even have a name for the poor thing. I glance to Hiccup who's snoring lightly. I take my pencil throwing it at him hitting him in the face. "I'm awake!" he grunted sitting up.

"Don't worry. I watched you drift off." I tell him. "Do you have any names yet?" I asked.

"No." He yawned. "Not really."

I give him a playful look. "I'm sorry." He said to me. He's always so apologetic, even when he didn't do anything.

"Don't be. I'm only playing." I say.

He gave me a smirk then looked to me. "Okay so how are we doing this?" He asked.

"Write you're favorite names down and we'll compare," I said to him then started to write.

My List:


















"Done!" I chirped. Hiccup looked up at me as soon as I said that. I could tell he wasn't even close to finishing his. I read over my list adding his last name, Haddock at the end of each one. I found a couple that I liked.

"Here!" he finally said sliding over his note pad to me. I did the same. I watched his eyes skim over the names on my list thinking about each one.

I look at his. I've always loved the look of his handwriting.

Hiccup's List:




















His list was clearly longer than mine, which means our decision is going to be harder. I saw a couple from his list I liked. Especially the names Ciarda and Destiny. They have a nice sound to them. I wonder where he got them from. "The name Ciarda?" I start with him. He slowly looked up from reading. "Where did you think of that?" I ask.

"I don't know. I guess it was always in the back of my head." He said. "I said I'd name my first daughter that." He added.

"When did you decide that?" I ask.

"Like when I was six." He said to me.

"It's a beautiful name," I say to him softly. "What does it mean?"

"I think my dad said it meant darkness. I don't remember. Darkness or fire goddess. One of the two." He told me.

"That's adorable." I look at this other name. "What about Destiny?" I ask.

"Oh, that one? That's my Aunt's name. She died when I was little too." He told me looking down.

I look to his list then to him. He's way better at coming up with names then I am. I love so many of these names, but I can only choose one. I looked to Hiccup I saw him narrow his eyes at whatever he was reading. I know it wasn't my list since I have it. He has his own. "What's wrong?" I ask him.

".. Nothing. It's nothing you need to worry about. I'm just lost in thought."

"Whatcha thinking of?" I ask.

"The child," He muttered. I know what's that's about. He's still a little unsure. But I bet his minds on Jack too. I sorta plan for the baby to never know Jack. He's too dangerous. If Jack already hates me and hates the baby, he'll do whatever to get rid of it. While he's in jail he'll be thinking of ways to get at Hiccup for arresting him. I bet Hiccup feels the same way with Jack and the baby. I know he's being a good father by thinking of this. I may not know he's thinking of it, but I have a pretty good feeling he is.

"Don't worry about it. Everything will be fine." I tell him.

"I know. It's his pre-parent worries," he told me assuringly. He then looked at his watch slowly standing up. "Hungry?" he asked.

"Yeah. A little bit." I answer.

"What do you desire M'Lady?" he asked me with a funny tone.

I laugh a little at that. "Doesn't matter," I tell him.

"Okay." He smirked going to the counter to start dinner.

Keeping A Promise (Book 2) (Hiccelsa) EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now