Chapter 21

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Elsa's P.O.V.

I sighed to myself putting my phone in my pocket. It's my little cousins birthday today. On my dads side. I have one aunt and my moms side including the one I used to live with. And one on my dads side.

They all have kids except for Aunt Bea. Aunt Bea wants to have a little get together at her house and wants me to go. No scratch that. They want me and Hiccup to go. We have one problem. Hiccup has no car. And he's probably in no condition to drive. We could always walk, but, really don't want to.

I walk out of the kitchen looking for Hiccup. I head to the stairs win I nearly walked into him as he stepped down. He caught me before I could fall. "Sorry!" I say.

"It's okay." He balances me then fixes himself. His bangs were covering the stitches again. He doesn't like it. I know it.

"Hiccup we have a little problem," I say.


"It's my little cousin, Haley's birthday today!" I say.

Hiccup gives me a funny look. "And?"

"My aunt Bea is having a little get together at her house," I add. "So... She wants me to attend." I say silently.

"Then go if you want." He told me."I'm not stopping you!"

"But she wants you to come," I add quietly. 

I saw his expression change. "Oh."


"Why?" He asked picking up whatever he dropped.

"My family wants to get to know you because we're dating..." I started. "And cause you're the father of the baby."

He smirked a little. "Oh. Okay." He joked.

I look at him. "Is it okay with you?" I ask him not wanting to force him into anything.

"Yeah. I'm fine, as long as you're uncles don't try to kill me." He joked again.

I punch him lightly in the arm. "I promise they won't," I say.

He smiled a little gently grabbing me by my waist bringing me to him. "It'll be fine. I'm just playing." He said to me kissing me gently. I kiss him back. Our kiss lasted a while until we both pulled back to breathe. I stare into his eyes locked with his gaze. His eyes mesmerized me for a while. I'm lucky to have someone like him. "What about the car? You don't have a car." I say to him.

"I'm sure Kim will let me use hers." He said quietly.

"Are you okay to drive?" I ask.

He takes a deep breath, still holding me by the waist. "I'll be fine."

6:00 P.M

Hiccup and I had been here for probably an hour. My cousins are in the kitchen. Let's just say I have like four cousins. Haley, who's turning 8 today. The 10-year-old twins Holly and Shelby. Toby, who's 12 and his little sister Emily who's 5.

I glance to Hiccup who was leaning against a wall with his hood up. He's hiding. "Hiccup it's okay. You can show yourself." I say to him slowly taking his hood off.

"I know," he said sleepily just as the kids came in.

"Elsa!" Emily squeaked happily jumping into my arms. Luckily she doesn't feel my baby bump.

"Hey!" I say to her happily letting go of her. She climbed down looking to Hiccup.

"Who's he?" Toby asked.

"This is my boyfriend, Hiccup," I say.

Haley looked at Hiccup. "What happened to his leg?"

I saw the look on Hiccup's face change. "An accident." He said slowly.

Emily jumped on me again but then hesitated. "Elsa. What's wrong with you're stomach? It's swollen!" she asked.

I look to Hiccup. He shrugged at me then looked to the kids. "I'm pregnant..." I say to the kids.

"What does that mean?" Emily asked.

"It means she having a baby," Shelby told her.

"You are?" Holly asked happily.

"Mhm," I say glancing at Hiccup.

"Where's the baby?" Emily asked.

"In her stomach, the baby's not born yet." Hiccup told them silently.

"But..." Emily started again. "How'd it get in her stomach?"

Hiccup looked to me as I look at him. We exchange looks then looked back to the kids.

"Um...." I start nervously glancing to Hiccup every second.

"Uhhhh...." he stuttered.

"I know how!" Toby shouted out.

"How!" Emily asked.

"You don't need to say!" I interrupted before he could say. Toby gave him a look. Hiccup looked backfiring him a little smirk. "You kids go play," I say knowing Hiccup was getting annoyed. Before anything of the kids could my whole family came out with Anna in behind.

One of my Aunts points to Hiccup. "He looks familiar." She says squinting at Hiccup. My aunts started coming closer. Hiccup started to back up.

"Uh... Hi?" Hiccuped mumbled, unsure of what to do.

"He's the mayor's son. That's probably who you see." Aunt Bea said near proud. 

Hiccup backed up some more as my entire family came for both of us. I stop and look at Hiccup.

"Hiccup, what's wrong?" I ask him. Everyone crowed me and him. He's somewhat panicked. I can see it in his eyes. He's uncomfortable. I see that too. Everyone here has crowded him for two reasons. 1) he's my boyfriend. And the father of my child. 2) he's the mayor's only son.

"Hiccup?" I repeat.

I watch him search for his keys in his pocket. "I'll be in the car." He says going to the door.

I watch him leave then turned to them. "See look now you scared him off," I say.

"Don't worry hon, he'll settle soon. He'll get used to the fact that our family is a little nuts." Aunt Bea says.

"No. He's just... Not feeling the greatest," I lie knowing he was scared.

"He'll be okay. Now let's go. You only have so many months before you have no time for nothing."


I walk out of the house towards the car. Hiccup's been in the car for a while, I was just leaving now. I walk to the car opening the door. He was slouched in the driver's seat fast asleep. I smile a little getting in the car. "Hiccup?" I call softly hoping I don't scare him. "Hiccup."

Hiccup flinched waking up. "What?" he grunted tiredly.

"We're going now," I tell him.

He yawns looking at the time displayed in the car. "It's midnight." He said slowly.

"I know, and I'm sorry for making you drive so late," I say to him.

"Nah, it's okay. If you want to go home, I'll take you." He said then slowly started the car. He yawned again backing out of the driveway.

"So you enjoy yourself?" he asked tiredly.


"Good." He mumbled followed by a small yawn as he drives us home.

Keeping A Promise (Book 2) (Hiccelsa) EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now