Chapter 23

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Anna's P.O.V.

I walk in the mall with Elsa. She was shopping for the baby and dragged Hiccup along with us. I know he doesn't want to be here, but it's his child too. Guys usually hate malls. The only reason Hiccup actually came was 'cause Elsa begged him. And plus, he has the money. But he hasn't been himself. It looks like something is bugging him.

"I was thinking of something really cool for the baby!" I said to them as I skip through a store.

"What?" Elsa asked staying close to her unamused boyfriend.

I pick up something showing it to them. "PINK!" I saw Elsa look to Hiccup giving him a look. Hiccup rolled his eyes. He's been unamused with everything lately. I think the accident changed him a little.

"Anna it can't be pink," Elsa tells me.

"Why not?"

" 'Cause we don't know the gender of the baby!" Hiccup told me leaning against a shelf.

"Why don't you find out the gender of the baby. It'll make this so much easier." I say.

I saw Hiccup give me an odd look. " 'Cause Hiccup doesn't want to know the gender and I want it to be a surprise," Elsa said.

I sigh. "You two are difficult." I know I have to take it easy with them being that they're somewhat under recovery, but when it comes to my niece or nephew I need to know. But who am I do get mad at them? They're the parents. They made the kid It, I'm sure they can find out if they want to. "Fine. What were you thinking of?" I ask.

"I dunno. Something simple." Elsa started. "We'll get a little bit pink and purple hide in the case is a girl, but we'll get some green in blue in case it's a boy. And a little bit of both."

She looked to Hiccup after. "That sounds okay." He muttered but he got distracted by his phone buzzing. We stopped as he looked at it. I saw the expression on his face change.

Elsa must've gotten the hint. "It's okay. Don't let it bug you." She told him quietly.

"What?" I ask concerned. Elsa and Hiccup looked up.

"Nothing!" she replied going on through the store.

I look to Hiccup. He didn't move from his stop. "Elsa!" I call to her. She stops and looks back. "C' mon," I called to both of them.

Hiccup looked to Elsa. "I'll be right back." He said to her.

She gave him a look. "Okay." She told him just before he left.

Once he was gone, I turn to Elsa keeping up to her. "What's up with him?" I ask her.

"He hasn't been himself lately." She told me.

"I see that!" I start. "Why?"

"Something's bugging him." She said.

"Is it the baby?" I ask.

"No. It's just... Nothing." She said slowly.

I look at her. "Want me to stop talking?" I ask.

"Please." She told me jokingly.

I smile then follow her through the store. She seems content enough until she stopped. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"Where's Hiccup?" she asked. I was sorta panicked. If she's going into labor that could scare me. It is way too early.

"He left, why?" I ask.

She relaxed a little then took a deep breath. "Nothing. It's not really important. It can wait." She said then slowly carried on.

I hop behind me. "You scared me, Elsa, I thought you were going into labor," I say.

She looked at me. "How did you get I'm going into labor from where's Hiccup." She asked me.

"I don't know," I said.

"It's way too early. If the baby were born now it would be way too fragile and might not live." She says.

"Then what did you need Hiccup for," I ask.

"It's nothing important. The baby just wants to kick me in the ribs." She said grunted in pain.

"It's a fighter, Elsa," I say.

She looked at me. "How do you know?"

"The baby survived a car accident and is constantly kicking you in the ribs," I said to her.

"That's true."

"I know it is."

She lightly punched me in the arm then carried on. "C' mon." She said to me as she walked.

I smile to myself as I skip behind her. My mind plays back to Hiccup. Elsa said there's something's bugging him. But what?

Keeping A Promise (Book 2) (Hiccelsa) EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now