Chapter 18

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Anna's P.O.V.

It's been at least three hours since the crash. Elsa's still under whatever's she's in. But Hiccup's not handling it okay. He came out of his complete shock two hours ago. He leaned against the wall in the waiting room with his hood up and his head down. He feels bad.

Hiccup has a pretty bad gash on his forehead. I think he's trying to hide it. The gash actually went across his forehead, through his left eyebrow, going around the side of his eye stopping in the middle of his cheek. It may make him go blind in that eye.

The doctors had managed to stop some of the bleedings but not all of it. I think it's stupid that he's out here. He could bleed to death or die to an immediate infection. That gash is still bleeding a little, is still open to any infection. They already said he needed stitches but are positive he's going to be okay. They did say his right wrist was sprained as well, but that's not that bad.

But the thing that's really scaring me is, Hiccup hasn't moved for this whole time. I can't even see him breathe. Maybe he's already dead, and we don't know. NO! He can't be.

I tap my Aunt's shoulder gently. "Is he okay?" I ask about Hiccup. She looked at Hiccup then nudged my uncle.

"Go check on him, make sure he's okay." My uncle sighed going to the still boy. He didn't get close. "I can see him breathing, he's good."

I sighed, going to my sister boyfriend. "Hiccup?" He didn't move. "Hiccup?" After a few minutes, he slowly looked up. His gaze was pale and his bangs bloodstained. The gash was bleeding again and his left eye was clouded and paler than the right. "You okay?" I ask him.

"I could've killed her." He whispered weakly.

"But you didn't. She's okay." I said.

"You don't know that," he said to me.

"But I trust she'll be okay," I say.

He shook his head slowly, gently wiping his face. I slowly move his hand not wanting him to open the gash more. His hand was shaking. His whole body was shaking. I knew that he lost to much blood. "Hiccup, there was a truck coming right at you. The roads were covered in snow and you couldn't do anything about it. At least you three are still alive." The confusion in his eyes grew more."Your child?"

He was too weak to badly react. "I've lost my girlfriend and my kid," he grunted weakly.

"They'll be fine." I hear my aunt tell him softly.

Hiccup looked at her. He looked confused. I have a bad feeling this accident messed up his head a little. I know it might mess up his eyesight a little. The gash is so close to his eyes.

"What if they're not? I-If Elsa dies, that would be the end of me." He muttered weakly.

"You couldn't do anything, Hiccup. That truck came out of nowhere. It blinded you." She told him. He looked up a little revealing more of the torn upside of his face. I know it'll heal eventually, but the left side of his face will always remind him of the accident.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I nearly killed your niece." He looked at me. "Your sister, and my own kid."

"Hiccup. You nearly killed yourself. You turned the car your direction so she wouldn't get hit." Hiccup looked up a little. He barely looked up. Because of his injury. My aunt gently reached for his hand but accidentally grabbed his sprained one. He cringed weakly in pain, pulling away.

"It's sprained," I tell her as my uncle comes up to join.

"How're doing kid?" Hiccup gazed up not replying. "C' mon Hiccup. I'm not going to hurt you." My uncle added.

My aunt looked at him. "Leave him," she whispered.

I look back to Hiccup. His eyes were fighting to stay open. Either he's going back into shock or is just tired. I really hope he's just tired. Before we could do so much as breathe two nurses came out. Probably getting Hiccup. I know they're going to have to run a few simple tests in him. If anything wrong with him he needs to know. As I said, the accident may mess up his head or eyes sight. My uncle turned to one as the other went to Hiccup. I watched her run her finger along the gash gently making him cringe weakly.

"That need to be stitched soon before it gets infected." She told Hiccup calmly. No, really?! He's been like this for three hours people. I'm so surprised he's even conscious after the amount of blood loss.

My uncle clears his throat. "How's Elsa?" he asked.

"She'll be fine. Only a little bit of blood was lost. She's a little weak but I can assure she's fine." The nurse with Hiccup replied.

"Is she awake?" I ask remembering Hiccup's a coma.

"Yes and no," I saw Hiccup tense a little.

"What do you mean?" my aunt asked.

"She's not in a coma. Don't worry. She's just asleep." The nurse replied.

I gaze to Hiccup, who's weak helpless gaze searched the room. "What about the child?" he asked about the baby. The nurse stayed silent looking at him. Did the baby die? If the baby died that'll mentally kill both Hiccup and Elsa. I know how much they love that child. For them to lose it before it's born will destroy them.

"Please tell me the baby is okay?" my aunt asked.

"We don't know yet, we want to wait for the parents to be a little more stable before anything." One said.

I looked around for a moment. "Parents?"

"The Mother and Father of the child." I look to Hiccup again. I was about to at he was stable enough until I saw his gaze twitch again. He stood there, accepting the Nurses support. He was slowly rocking back and forth, with his eyes closed as if he were going to either pass out or fall asleep. Maybe he's not as stable as we thought.

Keeping A Promise (Book 2) (Hiccelsa) EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now