Mega Lucario

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Maisey ordered Lucario to use Aura Sphere... Lucario seemed tired. 'What happened?' she asked. She was an old and experienced trainer who believed that being strict on the pokemons made them way better and stronger... Sadly, this was the reason she failed to achieve "The Aura Bond" with Lucario.... But she had also got something else... Something better... 'Tired?' she yelled 'Okay then, make yourself stronger and MEGA EVOLVE!' She pressed the stones and Lucario Mega Evolved. He then quickly won the battle against Typhlosion. 'So your Mega Evolution form is stronger, huh...' Maisey said as she saw the defeated Typhlosion getting retracted and her Mega Lucario returning to normal... Maisey then continued her journey with Lucario by the forest... 

Lucario had no "bond" with her whatsoever. He just Mega Evolved just because he wanted to and also because Maisey would beat him if he ever lost... Yes, Lucario knew the secret of Mega Evolution... It didn't always need a trainer... If a Pokemon wants, then it can Mega Evolve on it's own. However, they need a trainer for Z-Moves... But still, not Mega Evolution... Lucario didn't care if Maisey beat her whenever he lost, he was just happy that he had a strong trainer... He had seen many evil people in the Pokemon World, and he was just happy Maisey was not one of them... His trainer, Maisey was a nice person. She maybe strict but at least... Her heart was nice... Her heart was pure... That's all what Lucario cared about... 

After some days, Lucario woke up while sleeping in the forest during the night. He and Maisey were sleeping under a tree... He was thirsty... He got up and grabbed his bottle and then drank some water.... He then turned around and looked at the place where Maisey was sleeping... She was not there... He quickly got up... He was truly surprised. 'What happened to her?' he thought 'Is this some Haunter or Gengar pulling a prank on me? Did some evil team kidnap her?' He quickly placed his hand in the place she slept and absorbed her Aura. He could now find her through her aura. He closed his eyes and just blindly walked positioning his hand in the front, absorbing the aura. The aura was increasing... A little more... A little more... He opened his eyes... He was standing behind a tree... He slowly tilted his head and saw what was happening... Maisey had a cold look on her face as she sold the Pokemon Medicines to Team Rocket. 'Stole it from Nurse Joy...' she said 'If you ever need to put a pokemon to sleep or calm it down, use this...' She had also changed her clothes... She was now wearing a black cloth with a big pink "R" on it... Lucario just watched in shock as a Typhlosion got handed over to Team Rocket... It was the same on Lucario himself had defeated...  'What?' he thought, confused 'She... She is not nice, too? Are pokemon the only good people? Are no humans good?' 

tears dropped from his eyes as he yelled and Mega Evolved. Maisey quickly turned around to see her own Lucario. 'Oh, so you spotted me?' she yelled 'Should have kept you in the PokeBall! Nevermind, I will just put you to sleep with this Pokemon Medicine too, Mega Lucario!' She put the syringe in a Team Rocket gun and aimed it at Lucario. She shot it put Lucario just used Power Up Punch and broke the syringe. Before she could do anything else, he used Low Kick on the gun and then destroyed the Team Rocket members and devices with his Aura Sphere. Maisey was just getting annoyed at this point... She just took out her gun and aimed it at Mega Lucario... She pulled the trigger but Lucario was just so angry that he used Aura Sphere and it hit the bullet with disintegrated in  an instant but it also wiped out Maisey and burned a lot of trees in the forest...  

Lucario just sat down, crying, as he remembered how his old and wise friend, Mega Blaziken had told him to not become a Pokemon "Pet" of a human trainer... Mega Mewtwo Y had said the same thing too... Now he wish that he had listened... He decided that the only friends that he was going to make now were pokemon friends... 

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