The Betrayers

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Mega Mewtwo Y quickly got the other to the island. They quickly landed and saw a bright light looming over them... Shiny Mega Rayquaza had reached them after an instant they reached the island... His eyes were glowing in red and body in white... 'Ahhhh....' he said in his demonic 'So many meals... You will be tasty! Thanks for coming to an island! Can have all of you in one go!' Suddenly Mega Gengar punched him. That hurt him. 'What?' he thought... 'Huh, my punch usually kills pokemons or people...' Mega Gengar said 'Looks like I will need some more punches to finish you! YOU KILLED ME FRIEND MEGA BANETTE AFTER ALL!' He started spinning and punched Shiny Mega Rayquaza a lot! His body stopped glowing in white and he started groaning in pain... 'Didn't think it would be so easy!' Mega Mewtwo Y told 'Good thing we got Gengar on our team... Suddenly all of them a sudden gush of air sweep past them... Mega Gengar's two hands had been cut by the wings of two different pokemons... Shiny Mega Rayquaza smiled as he used Dragon Claw on Gengar and threw him back in the sea... Everyone else were shocked too... 'I am The God of The Dragons!' Shiny Mega Rayquaza yelled 'How do you expect me NOT to have dragon followers? Yes... Mega Salamence and Mega Charizard X are MY followers and have been spying on your team and telling me everything about Mission Shiny Rayquaza and S.S.R... They even told me that S.S.R's leader was Giovanni, the leader of Team  Rocket!' 'STOP LYING!' Mega Diancie yelled. 

'He is not lying...' Mega Charizard X told, soaring the sky beside Mega Rayquaza and Mega Salamence... 'B-but...' Mega Venusaur said. 'HOW COULD YOU!' Mega Blastoise yelled. 'I will take care of Venusaur, you take care of Blastoise!' Mega Charizard X said to Mega Salamence... Mega Charizard X used Overheat, Flamethrower and Fire Spin on Venusaur and that was enough to burn him down to ashes and Mega Salamence just swiped and cut through Mega Blastoise's cannons with his wings so he could not attack and then finished him! Everyone else were just left shocked by what just happened... 

Shiny Mega Rayquaza smiled as he smashed Mega Gallade and Gardevoir with his tail... 'NOOO!' Mega Lucario yelled 'STOPPPP!' Shiny Mega Rayquaza slowly descended to the land of the island and picked up the dead pokemon siblings and with his mouth! He went back up in the air, munching on them... 'If I finish all of you at once, it just won't be that fun!' he said, munching 'Slow and steady wins the race, after all...' 

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