Mega Latios and Mega Latias

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Both Latias and Latios started using Quick Attack on Shiny Rayquaza on the same time... Rayquaza smiled as he turned to Latios. 'You think... this... THIS... Can defeat ME?' he asked. 'No, but this can!' Latios said as he used Dragon Claw which hurt Shiny Rayquaza a lot. 'You are pretty weak to have such goals such as becoming God of Dragon or whatever!' Latias said. Rayquaza just laughed... 'This... isn't even my final form...' he said, laughing... Mega Latios and Latias narrowed their eyes... 'So... you can Mega Evolve too, huh?' Mega Latios asked. Shiny Rayquaza quickly used Dragon Tail on Latias and threw him away far back again as he said "You bet I can!" to Latios as he tried to use Dragon tail on Latios too but missed miserably... He smiled as he glowed brightly... The citizens of the pokemon world saw the bright light in the sky... They were amazed by how bright it was! A pokemon doesn't glow THIS much when evolving or even Mega Evolving! Mega Latios suddenly closed his eyes... 'What is this that I am feeling...' he thought 'This... This aura... This aura is even stronger than the aura of Mega Lucario... This aura... This aura is even stronger than  my aura! How strong is this Rayquaza... I can feel the immense power... It's... It's scaring me..." He opened his eyes...

Utter shock ran through his body. 'What is this?' he thought. The citizens were amazed too... They had never seen something like this before. 'What?' Latios thought 'Is?' The crowd looked at it. 'THIS???!!' A Shiny Mega Rayquaza was floating in front of him... But it was not any normal Shiny Mega Rayquaza... This Mega Rayquaza was three times bigger than a normal Mega Rayquaza... Just like Totem pokemons were bigger than the original size... It was insanely big! Latios seemed like a little fly in front of it... His eyes suddenly started glowing red as he smiled. 'Hahahaha...' he laughed, now his voice even eerier than before... This time his voice was even echoing demonically... 'Here... This is my final form... And you know... When I become Mega Rayquaza, I love to kill and maybe even eat pokemons! Hahahaha! I LOVE IT!' Saliva dropped from his mouth. 

Mega Latios was too scared now... He went crazy and used twenty Dragon Claw's on Shiny Mega Rayquaza's face... It didn't even hurt him, not even a bit! He just laughed it off... Now Latios used forty Quick Attacks all at once! 'You... You are dangerous!' Latios yelled as he attacked with Dragon Breath 'I must finish youuu!' Shiny Mega Rayquaza smiled... 'I am afraid you can not !' Mega Latios was crying at this point. Shiny Mega Rayquaza opened his mouth, ready to eat Mega Latios... Mega Latios just cried as he saw a monster open his mouth, ready to eat him... He gave up... He couldn't win... He was about to bite him off when suddenly Mega Latias used Quick Attack on Mega Latios and pushed him off... That caught Latios by surprise... He just saw as the monster Rayquaza ate Mega Latias, who still had a happy smile while getting torn in half! She died... Mega Latios knew that Latias wanted him to live so he quickly used Quick Attack and escaped out of there while Mega Latias got eaten... The people just watched it with horror as Mega Rayquaza ate the poor pokemon, transformed back to Rayquaza and went back to the ozone layer... 

'I... I have to do something...' Latios thought as he cried his way back to the forest.

All of this had been recorded on camera... It was going on television the next day, for the whole pokemon world to see! 

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