Shiny Rayquaza Returns

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The skies were as dark as it could be... The sound of thunder could be heard everywhere across the pokemon world... 

Lucario suddenly fell to the ground... 'What happened?' Diancie asked 'Did I injure you too much from the battle we just had?' 'N-no...' Lucario replied 'It's just... I sense an aura approaching us... An evil aura... An aura stronger than my aura....' Diancie was shocked. 'Stronger than YOUR aura?' she yelled 'You are the AURA POKEMON! How can someone have a stronger aura than you?' 'Whatever it is, it feels really dark and evil...' Lucario warned. He suddenly Mega Evolved and then got up. 'Tell everyone to prepare!' he yelled 'It must be Shiny Rayquaza!' Diancie mega evolved and then called every mega pokemon out there... Everyone gathered and quickly got out of the S.S.R building. They looked up at the dark grey sky just to see a strong tornado emerging through it. 'We should probably accept our defeat!' Mega Salamence yelled 'He is too strong!' 'SHUT UP!' Mega Diancie yelled 'We have been training and waiting for this fight for a long time... We will try... And we will win...' She quickly got her pink diamond sword in hand. 'According to our plan, we must get him to an island...' Mega Mewtwo Y said 'We should attack him and then go to an island as fast a possible... He will chase us and end up there, far away from this city! He won't even be able to come back here since if he does that, he will easily get lost and will give us an opportunity to strike him down! Let's hope that he falls for our trap!' 'I will lure him!' Mega Scizor yelled as he went towards the tornado! He used Hyper Beam and revealed the pokemon under the tornado- Shiny Rayquaza. 'IT'S HIM!' Mega Latios yelled 'The pokemon which murdered Latias! I WILL FINISH HIM!' He was about to attack but Diancie calmed him down... 

Shiny Rayquaza smiled as he tried to use Dragon tail on Mega Scizor but he quickly escaped that. Scizor thought he made a successful dodge but he didn't know that this dodge was his biggest mistake... Shiny Rayquaza's mouth and sharp teeth were right behind him... He had dodged in the wrong direction... Shiny Rayquaza laughed as he first ripped of Scizor's wings and then claws and then ate him as a whole! That shocked the rest of the pokemons. 'He likes eating pokemons!' Mega Blaziken yelled. 'That's disgusting...' Mega Gengar yelled 'Even I and Mega Banette wouldn't do stuff like this...' 

Shiny Rayquaza then headed towards the S.S.R building and then swiftly used Dragon Tail and hit the building with it's giant black tail! The building got broken in half and collapsed! Mega Mewtwo Y and Mega Alakazam used Protect and so the Mega Pokemons didn't get hurt from the entire upper half of the building falling on them! 'He targeted S.S. R's building!' Lucario yelled 'Which means he knows about us and he knows that there is one organization working against him! That cannot be possible since he doesn't come here that much... So... That means... He must have a spy in this group... His spy... His spy who told him about S.S.R... And that spy could even be someone among us... Someone among Mission Shiny Rayquaza...' Latios widened his eyes... 'You have good deduction skills!' he told. 'Thanks...' Mega Lucario replied 'But now... We must fight Shiny Rayquaza BEFORE HE MEGA EVOLVES!!!' 

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