Mega Pinsir vs. Mega Heracross

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Mega Pinsir and Mega Heracross were finally meeting in a forest. 'So, let's settle this!' Mega Heracross said. 'Yeah, let's finally see who is the strong one!' Mega Pinsir said. SO the battle finally began between the two bugs!

Pinsir took advantage of his wings and started flying and so Mega Heracross' Megahorn missed. 'Haha, I have got this advantage over you!' Pinsir yelled 'What now?' Heracross looked up and just smiled... Then he used Double Team and then finally Pin Missile. Those pin missiles attacked Pinsir from everywhere and it even hurt his wings and made holes through them! He fell to the ground. Now he couldn't fly in a balanced way because of those holes... 'Now the battle is much more advantageous for me!' Heracross said with laughter. 'Or is it?' Pinsir asked with a sly smile as he ran towards Mega Heracross and then started using Close Combat. Heracross wasn't able to dodge it so Pinsir kept attacking him with Close Combat! But... He had to stop him! So instead of a defensive move he used an offensive move to stop Pinsir! He used Megahorn and that hurt all the four hands Pinsir was using Close Combat with and it also threw Pinsir far away. He fell on the ground. Now Heracross used Venoshock on Pinsir and then poisoned him... 'That was easier than I thought!' Heracross said with a smile. Pinsir suddenly got up and attacked Heracross with X-Scissor! That threw Heracross far away! Both of them ran towards each other and were about to start fighting when somebody used Metal Claw on both of them... That threw both of them far away! Both of them landed on the grass and looked up to see an image of Mega Scizor... 'Scizor?' Pinsir and Heracross yelled, reverting back to their normal forms. 'Are you fools?' Scizor asked 'Just because humans keep comparing you doesn't mean you fight within yourselves... You know why they compare you? So that you fight and become weaker so that they can catch you! I saw a pokemon hunter aiming a gun at both of you while you were fighting! If I didn't destroy that gun you would be in a cage by now!'

Pinsir and Heracross finally understood that they should not fight and from then on Mega Pinsir, Mega Scizor and Mega Heracross became very good friends!

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