Mega Gyarados vs. Primal Kyogre

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Mega Camerupt had stopped Primal Groudon but now Primal Kyogre had returned and had already knocked out Mega Camerupt! Mega Gyarados quickly used Dragon Tail to push Primal Kyogre far away but Kyogre dodged the move and then slapped one of its fins (or wings, since it sounds cooler) on Mega Gyarados and that hit him badly! He got thrown back to the island from the water... However, that was an advantage for Gyarados himself since Kyogre could never leave the water! He took the full use of the situation he was in and used Thunderbolt!

That hurt Primal Kyogre a lot and instead it responded with Ice Beam which this time, got dodged by Mega Gyarados! He had a smirk on since he knew the battle was going in his way... But defeating Kyogre wasn't the ultimate solution! He even had to stop it! Suddenly, before he could plan for his next move, Primal Kyogre used Ancient Power on Mega Camerupt! That caught Mega Gyarados off guard! 'What a cheap move!' he yelled. Mega Kyogre looked at Gyarados for a moment but then used Hyper Beam on him! That almost made Mega Gyarados faint but he somehow still held on to his consciousness and then attacked Primal Kyogre with all the might he had! He used THUNDER on Kyogre! That hit Primal Kyogre badly and knocked it out. Then Mega Gyarados jumped back in the water and then used Whirlpool on Primal Kyogre so it would keep spinning and would never be able to fight Groudon! Then Gyarados woke Camerupt up and they went back to the cave they lived in...

'Did it go all right?' Mega Sharpedo asked, once they reached the cave 'How are you even alive? I am sure you failed! I told you not to go on such a dangerous mission!' 'We actually stopped them!' Camerupt said. That left Sharpedo dumbfounded. 'You are joking, right?' he asked. 'No I am not...' Camerupt replied. 'Sharpedo, looks like your rival has outdone you this time!' Mega Gyarados said with a laugh 'If you came to help us instead of being a coward that you are, it would have been easier for us! Everyone in this world is a coward, except for us! Everyone knew that they were going to fight but nobody stopped them! They even knew that Rayquaza had mysteriously been absent for a few months, but still, nobody came! Nobody had the guts to come but yet, we, TWO pokemons defeated them... So think what could have had happened if you, or everybody else came! We would have had defeated them in a matter of minutes!' Sharpedo didn't reply... Gyarados was correct, after all... 

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