Mega Ampharos

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A few Mareeps, Flaffies and an Ampharos were being taken in a truck to somewhere by some humans. 'We will sell their wool and get a lot of money!' one of the humans said. Ampharos slowly opened her eyes... She was confused... 'What is happening?' she asked in a low voice 'The last thing I remember was that they caught me in a net and the net was so tight I went unconscious!' The Mareeps and Flaffies explained Ampharos everything... She suddenly saw that they were not in a net anymore! 'We are not captured anymore, we could easily escape!' she said. 'The door of this truck is locked, we tried, but couldn't open it!' one of the Flaffies said... Ampharos thought for a moment... 'This one is locked... But the door in the driver's room must not be locked!' Ampharos said 'All we have to do is break through this barrier in between and then we will reach the drivers room, attack the two drivers and get out of here!' 'But how will we do that?' Mareep asked 'We need powerful pokemons like Golurk or Machamp for that!' Ampharos smiled as she said "Well... I need to tell you a secret... Fully evolved pokemons who have a mysterious ability named Mega Evolution and you might know of it by now... Most people and pokemons think that you can Mega Evolve only with the bond of a trainer but I and many other pokemons like me can Mega Evolve even without a trainer!" The Mareeps and Flaffies widened their eyes as Ampharos started to glow and gorgeous white hair/wool started to flow out of her head... 'LET'S DO IT!' she yelled. The Mareeps and Flaffies cheered as all of them agreed.

Mega Ampharos used three fire punches and one thunder punch to break the barrier. The drivers of the truck were stunned as they saw the Mega Ampharos coming out. 'I TOLD THEM TO KEEP YOU TRAPPED IN A NET, YOU FOOL!' the first driver yelled. 'How would I know that one of them would suddenly mega evolve?' the second driver yelled. But it was too late... Both of them thrown out of the truck and the truck got destroyed by the sheep pokemons! After destroying the truck, Mega Ampharos returned back to being normal Ampharos and then all of them went back to where they came from, the beautiful grass fields... 

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