Mega Absol's Suspicion

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Giovanni and Lysandre covered themselves with cloaks. 'Let's get out of here to our real bases!' Giovanni said 'If we are absent in our own teams for too long then our members will foolishly come here looking for us and we will be exposed!' Lysandre agreed and after covering themselves, they started to get out of there. The got down from the building and were about to get out of the door just when they heard someone calling them from the back. "Who are you guys?"

It was Mega Absol... He narrowed his eyes as he came close to them. 'If you come close to us we will shoot you!' Lysandre yelled. Mega Absol suddenly became cautious. 'Ughh it's that same Mega Absol from before...' Giovanni thought 'I can capture it right here right now but if the other pokemons find one of their friends missing then there will be trouble for me and I will be exposed! Giving Shiny Mega Rayquaza Mega Evolution's full power was a mistake, as it seems... Ugh, I thought I would be able to keep it in control but it got out and that's why... I, GIOVANNI, The Leader of Team Rocket, has to live in fear of being exposed! UGGHH!' 'I will call the others now!' Mega Absol yelled. 'If you do that then... we will shoot you...' Giovanni calmly said. That hit Absol's mind... He had heard that voice somewhere. 'You are thinking that you have heard this voice somewhere before, am I right?' Giovanni asked, smiling under his cloak. 'What are you doing?' Lysandre yelled. 'Well, yes...' Giovanni finally said 'We have met in the past... I... Am... GIOVANNI!' Mega Absol widened his eyes in shock and was about to go away and tell it to the rest of the pokemons just when Giovanni turned around with a gun and shot Mega Absol... 'What did you do?' Lysandre yelled. 'Let's get out of here...' Giovanni said 'With Absol... We will make S.S.R's people say that Shiny Rayquaza has captured Mega Absol which will motivate the pokemons to defeat that monster even more!' Lysandre and Giovanni quickly took Mega Absol out of there and then covered him with their cloaks so that nobody could see that wrapped in that cloak, was a dead Absol. People wouldn't notice that it was Giovanni and Lysandre anyways.... They would be too busy doing their own work and also Giovanni and Lysandre turned up their collars so that nobody could notice them even more...  

'Now that this stupid Absol is out of the way, the only obstacle left for me is Shiny Rayquaza...' Giovanni thought...

Suddenly, the sky turned grey and clouds hovered above the pokemons world... 

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