The Aura Sword

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The member of S.S.R who knew about who the leader of S.S.R was and which evil team it was under then came down to the mega pokemons after killing one of the innocent members of S.S.R... 'He told me that Absol has gone missing...' the member said 'Maybe Shiny Rayquaza finished him... I don't think all of you should search for him... He is gone... Accept it...' 'I knew it!' Mega Charizard X yelled 'Humans don't care about pokemons!' 'You didn't have ideologies like that before coming here though...' Mega Blastoise said. 'But now I know the truth!' Mega Charizard X yelled 'THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT US! LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!' 'Stop...' Mega Lucario said... 'If Absol is really missing then he has enough strength to come back...' he said 'If he doesn't... It will mean this guy is right... It will mean that... He is dead...' Mega Charizard X argued with Mega Lucario about it for a while but finally surrendered and agreed with Lucario...

It had been some days since Absol had gone missing... Their training had increased since then... They were fighting each other regularly... That day, Mega Lucario and Mega Diancie had decided that they would fight each other! Both were powerful pokemons so it would push their strength to the limits if they battled each other!

So the battle began! Lucario used Metal Claw on Mega Diancie... That hit her and also damaged her but then she took out her pink diamond sword! 'You won't stand a chance against my sharp sword!' she told. 'We will see...' Lucario said with a smirk as he used Aura Sphere! She quickly escaped that but Lucario suddenly used Power Up Punch and that caught her off guard and hit her! Suddenly, many small diamonds appeared out of nowhere and went towards Mega Lucario with great speed! He quickly blocked it with Protect! Then he jumped up in the air and used Bone Rush! A bone went towards Mega Diancie and hit her 4 times! Lucario then used Quick Attack and then Metal Claw again! Mega Diancie was almost about to be defeated when she smiled and suddenly used Endeavor on Mega Lucario! That hurt him a lot and reduced his health to the same amount of health Mega Diancie had left. 'And now.... I win!' she said as she raised up her sword high into the air, ready to strike. She landed the strike but Mega Lucario used Quick Attack and quickly got away! 'Not so soon!' he said. Suddenly he closed his eyes... 

Mega Diancie narrowed her eyes with confusion as she saw Mega Lucario glowing and something forming in his hand... Some type of weapon... Something bright... Something that looked like a sword...  Lucario opened his eyes which had started to glow in blue by now... 'You are not the only one who has a sword, Diancie!' Mega Lucario yelled 'Face my AURA SWORD!' He ran towards Diancie with his glowing blue Aura Sword... Diancie smirked as she headed towards Lucario too... Both of them raised their swords up in the air and attacked each other! Both of their swords clashed and created a bright light! That bright light suddenly turned into a loud explosion and both of them fell far away on the ground... Both of them had fainted after reverting back to their normal forms... 

After some time, the rest of the Mega Pokemons awakened them... 'That was a nice match!' Diancie said. 'Yeah... You were pretty powerful!' Lucario replied... Both of them laughed...

Thunder cackled in the dark and cloudy sky... The God of the Dragons was coming... 

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