The Depressed Latios

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Mega Lucario had now gathered all the Mega Pokemons... 'I think we have one missing...' Lucario said 'Which one?' Blaziken asked. 'Mega Latios...' Lucario answered. 'Wait, but he was with Mega Latias and the other Mega Pokemons who were killed by Shiny Mega Rayquaza!' Blaziken replied. 'He didn't die though!' Lucario said 'I saw it with my very own eyes! He just escaped...' 'So where can we find him?' Blaziken asked 'Mewtwo didn't tell us his location since he thought that Latios was dead too...' Lucario just went and asked Mega Mewtwo Y about the location of Latios. Mewtwo also first told that he was dead but after Lucario convinced him that he had seen him with his very own eyes, he finally closed his eyes and searched for Latios' location... He then opened his eyes again... 'You were right, he is alive...' Mewtwo said 'I can see him... heading towards us... Which is pretty weird...' 'WHAT?' both Mega Lucario and Mega Blaziken yelled 'How does he know about us?' 'I don't know!' Mewtwo answered... Suddenly a thing blasted from the sky into their base... It was Latios... He got up and started flying again. 'I WANT TO JOIN THIS TEAM!' Latios yelled. He Mega Evolved and then yelled "SEE! I CAN MEGA EVOLVE ON MY OWN TOO! IF I JOIN THIS TEAM, THEN YOU WILL GET A LOT OF HELP AND THE HUMANS WANT TO DEFEAT SHINY RAYQUAZA TOO SO I WILL MAKE SURE YOU GET A BETTER AND MORE PROTECTED BASE BY THE HUMANS, ONLY IF YOU LET ME JOINNNNN!"

Mega Lucario, Blaziken and Mewtwo Y just looked at him with widened eyes. 'First of all, how did you know about us?' Mewtwo asked. 'I had seen Lucario and Blaziken recruiting members when I was flying... I found out what they were recruiting for soon enough and when I knew it was to stop Shiny rayquaza, I came rushing in here! I found this location by tracking Lucario's aura... Yes, I have aura powers too and since Lucario has a strong aura it was very easy to track!' Latios explained 'The humans are also working against shiny Rayquaza so I have good contact with them, so if you want the humans and this team can merge, but for that you will have to let me join this team.... SO THAT I CAN AVENGE LATIAS!!!!' 'Okay calm down...' Lucario said. 

Diancie suddenly came into that room. 'Someone was yelling, who is it?' she asked. 'Latios...' Mewtwo told. 'Oh, another recruit?' Diancie asked. 'Yeah, a one that came to us by himself...' Blaziken said 'And is also offering us help...' 'What kind of help?' Diancie asked. 'He says if we let him join this team he will make this team merge with a team run by humans which also is working against Shiny Rayquaza... to avenge Latias...' Diancie smiled. 'That's great!' she said. 'You want to trust him?' Lucario asked. 'Yes, if he says he wants to avenge Latias he must not be lying!' she explained 'We even saw Latias' death on the TV! I think this is a great opportunity base... Also, humans have more technological underground bases which are much more protected than the base we are using now... A cave... So that would be a better base and also the more the merrier! Humans have more pokemons so it would be even more helpful!' 'She has got a point...' Mega Mewtwo Y said 'When Latios can burst into our base, then why not Rayquaza? If he finds us, he will destroy us all in one go! Better to have a better base...' Lucario and Blaziken agreed too... 'You are now an official member of Mission Shiny Rayquaza...' Lucario said 'Now, just take us to the humans and give us a more protected base...' 

'Let's tell all the other pokemons about this....' Diancie said as she went to the other room. She told everything to them. She expected them to be happy and many of them were, but some were more than upset...        

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