Mega Aerodactyl

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Mega Aerodactyl lived with his friends in a cave of Kalos... His friends were just a bunch off Zoobats and Golbats but he still enjoyed living with them and all of them had a nice friendship between them!

Suddenly, one day, a Crobat attacked them! Mega Aerodactyl wasn't there since he had gone outside to fetch some food for his friends! Crobat kept attacking all the Zoobats and Golbats and at the end, he destroyed them all and ended their lives.. That is when Aerodactyl returned with food... The food dropped as he saw all his friends dead and a Crobat flying above them... 'You?' Aerodactyl asked. Crobat turned back with a smile. 'Yes, it's me!' Crobat replied 'You had snatched my Golbats and Zoobats, my friends, away from me! I was their leader before you! I was their friend! But once you came, they didn't care about me anymore! They abandoned me and never even thought of me anymore... All because of YOU!' Aerodactyl looked at Crobat with anger. 'NO!' he yelled 'THEY THOUGHT ABOUT YOU EVERYDAY! They always wondered how and where you would be every night before they went to sleep! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, YOU FOOL!' Crobat didn't believe Aerodactyl. 'Stop lying!' Crobat said 'Looks like I will have to teach you a lesson too!' Aerodactyl got so angry that he MEGA EVOLVED! 'No, it's my turn to teach YOU a lesson!' Mega Aerodactyl yelled as he rushed towards Crobat. Crobat also flew towards Aerodactyl...

Both of them flew towards each other but Crobat used his move faster than Mega Aerodactyl and hit him with Cross Poison! That weakened Mega Aerodactyl... Then he used Wing Attack... Then Venoshock... Then Air Cutter... Then Leech Life... Before Mega Aerodactyl could even respond with another attack, Crobat ended the battle with Acrobatics... Then smirked and said "The right side always wins!" and flew away as Mega Aerodactyl reverted back to normal Aerodactyl...

Some months later, everything had gone back to normal and Crobat was playing Volleyball with Vibrava and Catterpie... The white ball fell into the bushes... 'I will get it!' Crobat said as he went there with his fast speed to fetch the ball... He grabbed the ball with his teeth and turned around to play with his friends just to see Vibrava and Catterpie burning and Mega Aerodactyl flying right above them with a little fire emerging out of his mouth... Fire Fang... The ball dropped from Crobat's mouth... 'WHA- WHYYYY?' he yelled at the top of his lungs. Mega Aerodactyl smiled as he swooped beside Crobat and then whispered "You see, this is how it feels like to lose friends!" He then used Fire Fang on all four of Crobat's fangs and then finished Crobat with Rock Tomb... Mega Aerodactyl smirked as he flew away. 'You know, sometimes you have to sacrifice the goodness within yourself to accomplish what you want...' he thought. He flew back to his cave, laughing... 

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