The God of The Dragons

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Mega Lucario landed back on the island... He had a pale face and blank look... He looked up at Shiny Mega Rayquaza... 'I don't care anymore haha...' he said 'hauhauhauhahaha... I will finish you... You care... I don't...' Before he realized it he got a Dragon Tail from Shiny Mega Rayquaza which threw him far away. He saw the God of The Dragons right above.... 'What did ya say.... ha? Finish me? Hmmmm...' he asked 'But before that.... I JUST WANNA FINISH YOU! You have caused a little too much trouble for me....' Mega Lucario used Metal Claw right in Shiny Mega Rayquaza's eye... 'AAAHHH!' he groaned with unbearable pain in his eyes... Lucario jumped up into the air.... 'Shut up...' he calmly said as he felt his aura becoming stronger than it had ever did before... Even stronger than Shiny Mega Rayquaza's incredibly powerful aura... 'Face the God of Aura, Shiny Mega Rayquaza, The God of the Dragons!' he said as he let out an Aura Sphere out.... That aura sphere hit Shiny Mega Rayquaza as all he could do was moan and moan even more... At the end, smoke started emerging out of him and he was finally dead and like the two other dragons, fell into the sea... Mega Lucario landed back on the island again but before he could try to find Mega Blaziken, he saw an helicopter approaching towards them.... An helicopter of Team Rocket... Blaziken quickly came to Lucario... 'Get out of here...' he yelled 'I will help you escape!' 'What? Why?' Lucario asked. 'If what they said was true and Giovanni turned out to be the leader of S.S.R secretly then he would want to not take any chance and kill Shiny Mega Rayquaza by bombing up this entire island! I saw it... He has Team Rocket Bombs.... Mega Lucario widened his eyes.... 'No...' he murmured but it was too late.... The helicopter had reached them and Mega Blaziken smiled as he used Blaze Kick on Mega Lucario and threw him far away into the sea... Lucario saw as the entire island blew up into pieces.... Blew up.... with Blaziken.... And the other dead warriors.... 

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