Mega Houndooms vs. Mega Tyranitar

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Tyranitar was in a cage. He was captured by Team Rocket... A Team Rocket member came in front of Tyranitar and laughed. Tyranitar smiled a little... He knew that at least his Larvitar was safe... At least his Larvitar would grow on to become another Tyranitar! 'Hey, you know...' The Team Rocket member said, keeping a smile on his face 'Your baby Larvitar was ultimately caught by us and he is being forced to evolve! Hahahaha! We are doing anything we can to evolve him! ANYTHING!' Tyranitar widened his eyes... He had to save Tyranitar! But... how? The cage was strong enough and even after he tried to free himself it didn't work... He looked at the member with rage in his eyes as he suddenly started to glow. 'Hey!' the member yelled 'What are you doin-' Tyranitar had gotten bigger in size and broken the cage. The other members there got up too... 'What did you do, you idiot?' one of the members yelled. The glow went away from his body just to reveal MEGA TYRANITAR! The members looked at him with surprise... 'Mega Evolution?' one of the members said, confused 'Okay... No problem... We can Mega Evolve our Pokemons too! Go Houndoom!'

The two other members sent out their Houndooms too! All three of the members pressed their Mega Stones so that all the Houndooms would Mega Evolve and turn into Mega Houndooms... It was now these three Mega Houndooms vs. One Powerful Mega Tyranitar! The battle began! Mega Tyranitar used Hyper Beam on the first Mega Houndoom! That one fainted and reverted back to being Houndoom before getting back in the pokeball... The second Mega Houndoom got knocked out with Ice Beam, Hidden Power and then Smack Down! Now only the third and final Mega Houndoom was left... Mega Houndoom suddenly dodged Mega tyranitar's Hyper Beam and instead used Sucker Punch on his leg. That caused Tyranitar to lose his balance and fall down! He fell down with a huge sound! 'Haha, my Houndoom got you!' the trainer of the Mega Houndoom said 'Now, Mega Houndoom, finish off Mega Tyranitar with using Mud Slap ten times!' Mega Houndoom agreed with its trainer and started using Mud Slap! The first Mud Slap was super effective... The second Mud Slap was a critical hit and also super effective! Like this, Mega Houndoom had reached the eight Mud Slap! Mega Tyranitar tried to get up but just couldn't because his leg was hurting from that sucker punch! Now all it would take to knock out Mega Tyranitar would be another final Mud Slap! Mega Houndoom was about to strike with another Mud Slap when Mega Tyranitar suddenly started using Earthquake which stopped Mega Houndoom from using the final Mud Slap since it lost its balance and fell to the ground! Mega Tyranitar finally got up and finished the battle with Hyper Beam! The final member retracted his Mega Houndoom and ran for his life!

Now Mega Tyranitar just had to find Larvitar... He searched for his son everywhere and finally found him in the science room... He had found him but it was too late! They had already managed to evolve him into Pupitar, forcefully... Now he couldn't even talk properly! Mega Tyranitar quickly rescued Pupitar from the Team Rocket members and ran away to the forest... The members reported all of this to their leader, Giovanni... Giovanni just smiled after listening to this... 'So, the Tyranitar evolved on his own...' Giovanni said. He thought for a while and suddenly his grin started to broadened... 'Mega Evolution...' he murmured as his grin broadened even more... 

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