Mega Evolution's Fullest Potential

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'Those foolish Mega Pokemons...' Giovanni said 'They don't even know that we will finish them after we defeat Shiny Mega Rayquaza... And they don't even know why we are catching Mega Rayquaza! It is because... We gave it those insane Mega Powers! They don't know that we were experimenting on it and trying to take Mega Evolution to it's fullest potential and we even successfully achieved what we wanted but right at that moment, Shiny Rayquaza got too strong! It Mega Evolved and destroyed the lab... I saw from my binoculars as it rose up to the sky, scared and afraid... Shiny Rayquaza reached the ozone layer... I could still see it with using the special ability of my binoculars, Mega Extension, and some of it's parts were slowly turning back to normal. Then it completely turned back to normal. Then it's head turned big and suddenly white light surrounded Shiny Rayquaza and it felt like it screamed before it finally got restored back to his new Mega Form! I couldn't see anything after that but I am pretty sure that it was the one to destroy normal Rayquaza and it now has its own goals.... Dangerous goals... We created it, so we must stop it, not for the pokemon world, but for our own team! If it destroys the rest of the world it will eventually destroy Team Rocket too and I can't let that happen! I cannot take the risk of trying to catch it! We will KILL it once it appears again! If it's exposed we created it then we will be in trouble...' 

'Those mega pokemons will be quite the help!' one of the members said 'They have been training and planning stuff pretty well till now! They are cleverer than we expected....' 'Cleverer than you expected...' Giovanni said, narrowing his eyes 'That is the exact reason to keep your eyes on them, ALWAYS! Also make sure they don't get here... Only a few people in this organization know that I am the secret boss of it so don't let ANY of them get here! If they do, it will slowly be exposed that we gave Shiny Rayquaza the insane mega powers to test Mega Evolution's fullest potential in the first place!' 'Yes!' the member said as he went back with the other members. Giovanni smiled as he closed the door and turned around. 'If you get caught, we will too...' Lysandre said, facing Giovanni 'So don't mess this up for Team Flare! We also helped you in doing this experiment so we are involved in this mess too...' Giovanni smirked. 'I am doing it for Team Rocket, not Flare, so if your team needs to be sacrificed for mine, I will easily do it...' he said. Lysandre narrowed his eyes as he said "Same here..." Giovanni laughed. 

Back in the ozone layer, Shiny Rayquaza smiled. 'So, if my spy is correct, there's an organization trying to hunt me down and defeat me!' he thought 'Risking their lives just to get me? Humans don't do anything without them getting any profit, as far as I know... This is unusual... And also, interesting... Very, very... Interesting...' 

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