Mega Diancie

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Diancie was the pokemon who could produce diamonds anytime she wanted to! She also ruled the Carbink Cave in Kalos and was the best Queen of the Carbinks till date! She was having a meeting with many Carbinks when suddenly one soldier Carbink came rushing into the room and yelled "A CRAZY VOLCANION HAS GONE CRAZY AND ATTACKED US!" Diancie quickly went out of the cave to see what had happened. She saw a Volcanion bashing the cave and using attacks on it, causing it to break! 'Volcanion is truly a powerful pokemon...' Diancie said 'I must do it... I must try and Mega Evolve to defeat it!' She tried her hardest to Mega Evolve but still couldn't. The crazy Volcanion kept attacking the cave. Suddenly it turned towards Diancie! Then he used Water Pulse and that threw her far away! She fell to the ground and a rock hit her head... She somehow got up with the help of the Carbink accompanying her and then looked at Volcanion. 'How dare you attack me and my kingdom!' Diancie yelled as she got up into the air and glowed brightly with a pink light surrounding her. She suddenly transformed into Mega Diancie! 'Leave me alone!' Volcanion yelled. 'You are the one who came here!' Mega Diancie said as a pink diamond sword appeared in her hand. 'GAHHH!' Volcanion yelled as he bashed the cave even more... This time he destructed a lot of it.... 'STOP!' Mega Diancie yelled as she rushed towards Volcanion and tried to swipe him with her sword but before she could do that, Volcanion used Overheat and threw her far away into the air. 

'So this is how it is, huh?' Diancie thought 'Looks like you want a battle!' Volcanion suddenly rushed towards the Carbink who was accompanying Diancie and used Stomp on him! He got badly injured... 'NO!' Mega Diancie yelled 'No! You cannot stomp the Diamond Protector like that!' Volcanion looked at Diancie with hate and used Steam Eruption. She blocked it with her diamond sword and then quickly used Power Gem. That hit Volcanion and hurt him... Mega Diancie took advantage of this and used Moonblast! Volcanion swiftly dodged it but suddenly he turned his head around just to see Mega Diancie just beside him! She swiped her pink diamond sword and injured him! Volcanion used Toxic. That weakened Diancie. Then he used Sludge Bomb on the sword and made it fall out of Diancie's hands and then used Stomp once it fell on the ground... The sword broke... 'You are nothing for me!' Volcanion said as he turned around to Mega Diancie and then used Overheat. That directly hit her and hurt her. Then he used Hydro Pump. That hurt her too... The toxic also kept damaging her... She was almost on the verge of defeat when Volcanion suddenly calmed down. He calmed down because he heard a voice... "Stop it already!" the voice said. It was Magearna! 'Just because I told you to bring a diamond for me doesn't mean you actually have to cause such destruction!' she said 'I was joking anyways...' Mega Diancie sighed... Now all her people were saved, thanks to Magearna...

She did hear that Magearna wanted a diamond and event though it was just a joke, Mega Diancie did award Magearna with a huge pink diamond necklace which fit her perfectly and shined in glory and grace when she wore it! Magearna thanked Diancie but Diancie thanked back Magearna for coming in just in the nick of time! Magearna and Volcanion went away and wandered off into the forests of Kalos... 

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