Mega Gengar and Mega Banette's Haunted House

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Three trainers were lost in the forests of Kalos... Jack, Ryan and Mia... They had to find a shelter soon enough since it was cloudy... They soon found a large mansion... Mia suggested that they should enter it. Jack and Ryan hesitated at first saying people called it "The Forbidden Haunted House of Kalos" but when it started raining they had to listen to Mia and quickly went in the house... Jack left the door open and entered the mansion... He was checking if the door would automatically close or not... Some seconds past by... It didn't... He sighed... 'So, all of those were rumors huh?' he thought. 'Is anyone here?' Misa yelled 'We need your help! We need some shelter....' Suddenly Mia's leg started getting automatically dragged down... She automatically got dragged towards the stairs... Someone was pulling her! 'WHO IS IT!' Ryan yelled 'Show yourself! You must be Mr. Mime using some invisible trick!' Jack looked back and saw that the door was gone... Now, there was a wall instead of a door... He widened his eyes and then started screaming... 'WE ARE TRAPPED!' he yelled. Mia yelled as he got pulled up to the first floor... Ryan followed her, leaving Jack behind. 'Wait!' he yelled, trying to follow Ryan but suddenly the lights turned off and Jack felt like something had grabbed him too! That thing pulled him away from Ryan and started using Psychic on his mouth so he couldn't even yell...

Now Ryan followed Mia even without the lights being on and that is when, Mia stopped getting dragged... Suddenly the ghost showed itself... A terrifying Mega Gengar emerged out of nowhere from within the petrifying darkness... His red eyes glowed as he he stared at Ryan with a big nasty grin on his face. His teeth were sharp... Ryan was beyond horrified... He turned back, leaving Mia behind and tried to run away but Mega Gengar used Psychic on him and froze him... Then it giggled nastily...

Mega Banette also revealed himself to Jack who was horrified too... Mega Banette had Jack frozen in the air too, with the help of Psychic... The thunder roared in the sky as rain fell on the ground heavily as three people screamed from within the Forbidden Haunted House of Kalos! 

The next morning, some people, the media reporters and a ghost detective came... 'In most cases, every haunted house is pretty much controlled by a Ghastly!' he said, looking at the house. 'You are saying that because you are from Kanto...' a reporter said 'Why not go inside?' The Pokemon Ghost Detective laughed as he agreed "Yeah, I should go inside to see what happened and why three people screamed from here..." 'I had heard the screams with my own ears!' the old man said... The Ghost Detective went inside the house... He closed the door himself and then turned around, just to see a dead body surrounded with blood... It was Jack... 'Oh, so the pokemons in this haunted mansion even seem to kill people...' The Ghost Detective calmly thought with anger... He then went to the first floor to find even two more bodies... 'The body below and above seem  to have gotten scars from Mega Pokemons... The size of the scars are pretty larger than usual, so, yeah, it must be the work of Megas!' The Pokemon Ghost Detective thought 'But, how can a pokemon Mega Evolve without a trainer?  So, is it a trainer telling a mega pokemon to do this? If I am correct, then I have to quickly find out that trai- no, murderer.... To end this, once and for all...' He suddenly felt a strong breeze passing by... The next image he saw was the face of Mega Gengar and then all he was.... nothing... He was dead...

The people outside forgot the reason why they were there and went back to their homes as Mega Gengar and Banette looked at those people with red eyes. Anyone who would go to that house... Would die... 

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