Mega Camerupt vs. Primal Groudon

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Mega Camerupt and Mega Gyarados were ready... Mega Camerupt was standing on the island that Primal Groudon was in and Mega Gyarados was in the water that Primal Kyogre was in... They had to stop from both of them colliding and fighting each other again! Rayquaza seemed to be unknown for a couple of months now so if they fought it would cause a lot of damage to the Pokemon world!

Suddenly Primal Groudon burst out of its volcano and the waves of the ocean rose higher and higher as Primal Kyogre emerged out of it. Mega Gyarados quickly used Dragon Dance and charged himself up but Kyogre hit him with Ice Beam! That froze him... 

Mega Camerupt quickly used Earth Power and tried to knock down Primal Groudon. It did hurt Groudon but didn't knock it down! Groudon used Overheat as a reply and that hurt Mega Camerupt too! It didn't hurt him too much though, since he was a fire pokemon too! Camerupt had to think of some ground move since Primal Groudon was really weak to ground moves like Earthquake! Soon he turned back and noticed Mega Gyarados frozen! Primal Kyogre was approaching Primal Groudon and Mega Camerupt couldn't even do anything! Suddenly Primal Groudon used Hyper Beam on Primal Kyogre and sent it far back. Mega Camerupt sighed. 'That will buy me some time!' he thought as he turned back to face Primal Groudon! He used Scary Face but Primal Groudon was not even a bit scared. Instead, it just used Scratch on Camerupt and hurt him! Mega Camerupt had to think of something fast or if the battle went like that, he would soon get defeated! He finally used Earthquake! That shook the ground up and Groudon also started to lose its balance and since the island with the volcano that they were on was small, losing its balance resulted for it to fall in the water! After it fell in the water Mega Camerupt quickly used Heat Wave on Mega Gyarados and unfroze him. Mega Gyarados saw Groudon drowning. He quickly used Ice Beam on the part of the water Groudon was in and it froze, which resulted in Groudon not drowning. Groudon's feet were still stuck though, and if he tried to free himself, he would drown! That would stop him from attacking Primal Kyogre!

Mega Camerupt and Mega Gyarados turned to Primal Kyogre who was coming back to them. 'Let's face the more powerful opponent!' Mega Gyarados said... As soon as Primal Kyogre came near them, it used Origin Pulse on Mega Camerupt and immediately knocked him out! He reverted back to a normal Camerupt... Mega Gyarados soon realized that Primal Kyogre was no joke... It would really be hard fighting it... 

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