Mega Sceptile vs. Mega Swampert

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Sceptile and Swampert stood there in front of each other. 'When we were mudkip and treecko, you always beat me!' Sceptile said 'Now let's see who wins!' Swampert smiled as both of them Mega Evolved! They had to see who was stronger... They were rivals after all, very strong and competitive rivals! Both of them had now Mega Evolved and had now turned into MEGA SCEPTILE and MEGA SWAMPERT!

Mega Swampert used Hammer Arm! Mega Sceptile easily dodged that. 'I think you are forgetting that I am faster than you!' Mega Sceptile said as he used Leaf Blade... That threw Swampert back. 'I will win this...' Mega Sceptile thought 'But I will have to use Frenzy Plant at the right moment! If I let Frenzy Plant go in waste, he can win too!' While Sceptile was thinking of that, Mega Swampert came and used Mud-Slap! That caught Mega Sceptile off guard and threw him to the ground! Mega Swampert took advantage of that and used Earthquake! That hurt Mega Sceptile but he quickly got up. Mega Swampert was coming towards him to use another attack on him but he used Leaf Storm and blew him back and stopped him from using his move... 'Using your move to stop me from attacking you? Clever...' Mega Swampert said 'But my moves are way more powerful! Your agility will get you nowhere!' Mega Sceptile smiled. 

Swampert used Sludge Wave but Sceptile quickly dodged it. 'I have to dodge all the poison attacks!' Mega Sceptile thought as he dodged from the move 'If I am poisoned, he will get an advantage and it will lower my health every minute, or even every second, if the poison is powerful enough!' He used Dig... Mega Swampert got confused. He quickly got an idea! He thought of using Earthquake but before he could do that, Mega Sceptile jumped out of the ground and attacked him! Sceptile quickly took advantage of that and used two more moves: Mud Slap and Leaf Blade! That almost defeated Mega Swampert... 'Huh, my health is low...' Mega Swampert said, smiling 'I will use that to my own advantage!' Mega Sceptile got confused. He narrowed his eyes. 'What is Swampert about to do?' he thought. Suddenly Mega Swampert rushed towards him and used Endeavor! That made Sceptile's health as low as Swampert's health! 'Ughh, never though you would use such a cheap move!' Mega Sceptile yelled. Mega Swampert laughed... 'Now, we are even!' he said. 'Not so soon!' Mega Sceptile said with a smile as he used Synthesis two times! The weather was also nice so it restored all his health...

Mega Swampert was astonished. Still he used Hyper Beam and that hit Mega Sceptile! That injured him a lot and almost defeated Mega Sceptile! 'Now is the right time!' Mega Sceptile thought as he used all his energy and used FRENZY PLANT! He used that move and suddenly strong roots emerged out of the ground and grabbed Mega Swampert! They sucked the remaining energy and health out of him! Mega Sceptile was the winner!

Mega Swampert accepted his defeat and they went back to the forest where their friends- Mega Steelix, Mega Sableye, Mega Metagross, Mega Lopunny, Mega Manectric, Mega Mawile, Mega Salamence and Mega Aggron - awaited them! 

'Who won?' Mega Lopunny asked. 'Him...' Swampert said with a sigh, pointing at Sceptile. 'Haha, nice!' Mega Metagross said in his grumpy voice. Mega Salamence and Mega Sableye were sleeping... Mega Manectric and Mega Mawile were training with Mega Aggron! Mega Sceptile and Mega Swampert smiled seeing their happy small "mega" family! 

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