The Final Boss Strikes

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It was a cloudy day in the pokemon city... Everyone was still having a normal day, buying fruits and cherries and potions for pokemons... Suddenly everyone heard the sounds of thunder! It was a loud one so everyone got scared... They looked up in the sky... Suddenly something descended from the sky... A tornado descended from the sky... A tornado which after descending started destroying everything! It was like a snake tornado, which quickly went anywhere it wanted and destroyed the place! Everyone started running for their lives! There were only a few pokemons in that area who could Mega Evolve on their own... They were Mega Audino, Mega Glalie, Mega Altaria, Mega Slowbro, Mega Pidgeot, Mega Glalie and Mega Abamasnow! All of them decided to finally Mega Evolve to fight this mysterious tornado... 'There must be a pokemon controlling this tornado!' Mega Audino thought as she stared at the tornado 'Maybe Mewtwo, or Alakazam?' Suddenly the tornado started glowing.... It started glowing brightly! Mega Audino narrowed her eyes and the next thing she knew was that the tornado killed her in one second.... Everyone else were surprised. 'T-That... Looks like... Quick Attack!' Mega Pidgeot yelled. 'So that tornado is a move of that pokemon... It isn't a natural tornado!' Mega Alataria told... Suddenly Mega Pidgeot and Mega Alataria were finished in an instant, before they even realized it... Now the mysterious pokemon finally revealed himself and it was none other than... Shiny Rayquaza... 

Shiny Rayquaza's face appeared as he emerged out of the tornado! 'So, it was his move Twister!' Mega Glalie yelled 'And that white glow was Quick Attack! Now it all adds up!' Shiny Rayquaza quickly ended Mega Slowbro's life with HYPER BEAM! 'Rayquaza is weak to ice...' Mega Glalie thought 'Perfect!' He used Ice Beam on Shiny Rayquaza and that seemed to hurt him a bit... He instead responded with Flamethrower and finished Mega Glalie! Now the only one left was Mega Abamasnow... He got too scared and tried to run away from Shiny Rayquaza but the giant black dragon snake smiled as he used Hyper Beam on Abamasnow and ended him too! 

'I defeated Rayquaza and now am the ruler of this ozone layer!' Shiny Rayquaza thought 'Now, my rule will extend to this pokemon world! I will end humans once and for all and will only allow dragon pokemons in this world! Anyone who goes against me, will DIE, even if it's a Mega, a legendary or even a dragon type itself! I am the most powerful pokemon in existence and I will prove it! I will remake everything! I will be the GOD OF THE DRAGONS!' Suddenly he turned around just to see Latios and Latias... 'What have you done?' Latias asked. 'So, you were the one who defeated our friend, Rayquaza, the REAL ruler of the ozone layer...' Latios said. Shiny Rayquaza smiled. Both Latios and Latias Mega Evolved. Both of them used Quick Attack and separated in two different directions in an instant! 'Ahhh, so you wanna play that same old "strategic" speedy hide and seek game with me!' Shiny Rayquaza said with a laugh 'Okay then...' He swung his tail and that hit Mega Latias and she fell to the ground. Shiny Rayquaza then turned around as he yelled "You cannot be speedier than me! Attacking and finishing you is NOTHING for me! Hahaha, if you really want this battle, let it begin! Battle with the God of the Dragons!" 

Shiny Rayquaza vs. Mega Latios and Mega Latias was about to begin.... 

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