Mega Kangaskhan

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Mega Kangaskhan ran away, holding the hands of her purple baby... She had tears in her eyes as she ran... 'I must not lose my baby!' she thought as tears dropped from her eyes... 'Ha ha, gonna getcha!' Collection said... The Pokemon Hunter had named himself collection since he liked adding skeleton of pokemons in museum to update his collection! This time, he wanted to skeleton of a Mega pokemon! He knew that he could not get Mega Kangaskhan herself so instead he was chasing her baby! He had a gun with him. He shot it again and it hit a tree... 'What's happening, mama?' Mega Kangaskhan's baby asked as they ran away... 'Nothing... just nothing...' Mega Kangaskhan said with a fake smile as tears still dropped from her eyes.... 

Suddenly Mega Kangaskhan heard a sound of a bullet... It sounded like it hit somewhere close... Somewhere too close... The next thing she heard was, her son screaming! Kangaskhan's baby was bleeding badly... The bullet had hit him in the back and gone through his chest... 'I c-can't see anything!' Kangaskhan's baby said, confused 'Why is everything blurry? Why does it pain so much! I can't take this pain anymore... I want to be... I... want to be... Free, from this pain... It's killing me...' Mega Kangaskhan just cried as her baby said those words... Collection quickly arrived there. 'Ah hah, gotcha!' he said, reloading his gun 'Now, time for the mom...' Mega Kangaskhan mourned even more over the instant death of her baby and that is when she realized that Collection was aiming the gun at her too... It was too late... He pulled the trigger and the bullet went right through her stomach... The place where her baby once lived when she was a normal Kangaskhan... She yelled in pain as she got up... 'YOU KILLED MY CHILD!' she yelled 'YOU WILL PAY FOR IT!' 'What are you even yelling?' Collection said with a laugh 'I can't understand... Meh, yo will just get shot one more time for not being able to speak a language that I know...' Collection shot Mega Kangaskhan in the arm... That angered Mega Kangaskhan even more as she rushed towards Collection and then used Sucker Punch on the gun and destroyed it, once and for all... Collection was surprised. He quickly took out his taser and tased Mega Kangaskhan. It hurt her a lot but she didn't even care! She broke the taser without any hesitance.... Collection realized that he didn't have any more weapons left... He quckly picked up the baby Kangaskhan and started running out of the forest as he yelled "See ya later, gotta make your child an antique piece in my museum!" That angered Mega Kangaskhan even more and she started to follow Collection... She finally caught up to him and used Thunder Punch. That paralyzed Collection badly and he dropped the baby Kangaskhan....

Mega Kangaskhan finally used Outrage to finish Collection and the menace and terror he had spread over the pokemons for years! Then she turned back to her child and mourned over his death even more... 'If only I had not let any one know about us...' she yelled while crying loudly... She sobbed even more after looking at the dead baby Kangaskhan... She regretted everything... Everything... 

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