Mega Gardevoir vs. Mega Gallade

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Mega Gardevoir and Mega Gallade stood in front of each other... They were about to battle... Gardevoir had more powerful attacks but Gallade had more types of moves and also had many strategic attacks which could slow down Gardevoir! So the battle began!

Mega Gallade came towards Mega Gardevoir and attacked her with Close Combat! That hit her but she quickly used Teleport before he could land more strikes on her! 'You are strong, indeed...' Gardevoir complimented 'Your attack has lowered my health more than it should have, seeing the type of that attack... Very good, but now, it's my turn!' She used Moonblast and that  hit Mega Gallade. That lowered his health too. Gardevoir now tried to attack with Hyper Beam but Mega Gallade smirked as he used Protect. The Protect shield absorbed the Hyper Beam... 'Going all out, huh?' Mega Gallade asked 'Well, that is your weakness since that Hyper beam must have made you a little tired and you thought it would knock me out, which it didn't, so you just wasted your energy! And THAT helps me!' Mega Gallade used Psystrike on Mega Gardevoir. It again lowered her health down! Mega Gardevoir was about to lose... She had to do something... She suddenly got an idea as she saw Mega Gallade coming towards her... Just as Gallade was about to attack her, she used Confusion and confused Mega Gallade! He was about to hit Gardevoir with Close Combat again but the Confusion made it backfire on him himself and he instead used his own attack on himself! He turned to Mega Gardevoir and used Taunt! Now she couldn't use any other moves like Confusion! She tried to attack him but he used Teleport and teleported... He kept using Teleport until the Confusion's effect was finally over! He smiled... 'Very well done, you could have almost defeated me with that Confusion of yours... But the thing is... I will WIN!' Gallade said. Then he jumped up in the air and used Leaf Blade! That hit Gardevoir and hurt her... Both of them had low health and either one of them would win... When they suddenly heard something... A "buzzzz" noise... They turned around just to see a swarm of Mega Beedrills coming towards them! 'Your battle has been annoying us!' the Queen Mega Beedrill said 'We can't focus on collecting honey properly because of you, we have to eliminate you!'

Mega Gallade used Psychic on all of them but just couldn't hold all of them! His Psychic powers were not that strong! The Mega Beedrills quickly escaped out of his psychic powers... 'The best option is to run!' Mega Gardevoir yelled 'Gallade, my brother, RUNNN!' Gallade finally listened to his little sister and started running! They somehow escaped out of the eyes of the Mega Beedrills... The Queen Mega Beedrill smiled. 'They were annoying us with that battle, sure, but it was surely an interesting battle to watch!' she said with a smile as she and her bees turned around to collect more honey! They continued their hard work till night came... 

Mega Gardevoir and Gallade reverted back to their normal forms and ran back into the city of Kalos... Their parents were killed by Team Plasma.... So they always went to one of the cities of Kalos at night... Both Gardevoir, Gallade and the Mega Beedrills slept well that night... 

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