Mega Blaziken

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Mega Blaziken trained in a cave with a Noivern. Mega Blaziken easily won... 'Huh, you are so easy...' Mega Blaziken said after winning 'I liked those times when I actually had hard opponents like Mega Lucario and Mega Mewtwo Y but Lucario went out to "train" with a human and Mewtwo went out to have his "journey" or something... So stupid...' 'Do you hate humans?' Noivern asked. 'No, not all of them are bad but the one Lucario went with...' Blaziken said 'She didn't feel like a right person... I mean I saw her trapping a Bergmite in a trap a few minutes before she took Lucario with her... I tried to explain it to him but he believed in humans and thought they couldn't be evil... I wish he saw her trapping that poor pokemon too...' Noivern sighed. Mega Blaziken went out of the forest and went to the city... He loved to save and help humans and pokemons in the city... He knew hoe to control his heat so him being a fire pokemon didn't stop him from becoming a great Poke-Hero... He saw a kid crying because the balloon's string slipped out of his hand and it was flying away... Blaziken was watching this from top of a building. He quickly jumped down and got the balloon's string in his hand and handed it back to the kid. Pleased with that, that kid's parents gave him a Pinap Berry... He happily ate it... 

Suddenly he saw Team Rocket stealing medicines from Nurse Joy's Pokemon Center. They quickly got into their car and got away while Nurse Joy got tired chasing after them. Mega Blaziken quickly went to Nurse Joy and yelled "Don't worry! I will get them back" and then started following the car. He used Flame Charge but still couldn't catch the car. He did get closer to it though. Finally this chase continued until Team Rocket had reached the Team Rocket building and they quickly got into it... 'They have a Team Rocket building here?' Mega Blaziken thought as he got into the building too... He was still following the members and all of them entered a room and this is when Mega Blaziken got the biggest shock of his life... Team Rocket had captured Mega Mewtwo X... 'We will capture Mega Mewtwo Y too...' one of the members said 'We will end his journey...' They were using the Pokemon Medicines on Mega Mewtwo X to calm him down or to make him go to sleep... Mega Blaziken yelled. The members who stole the medicines turned around. 'So you followed us here too?' one of them yelled.

Mega Blaziken quickly used Flame Charge and easily reached the device that was holding Mega Mewtwo X. He used Low Kick ten times and Power Up Punch ten times and finally broke the machine. Mega Mewtwo X was asleep and couldn't move so he fell to the ground. The Team Rocket members just laughed. 'So this is how evil humans can be...' Blaziken thought 'There are good ones but there are incredibly bad ones too...' He quickly noticed many bags where the medicines were being kept. He used Flamethrower and burnt that bag. 'NOOO!' the Team Rocket members yelled. Mega Mewtwo X started to regain his consciousness... 'Where a-am I?' he stuttered, rubbing his eyes. 'JUST USE PROTECT!' Mega Blaziken yelled. Mega Mewtwo X somehow heard Mega Blaziken and used Protect like Blaziken said... Then Mega Blaziken started to use Flamethrower, Fire Punch, Heat Wave, Flame Burst and Fire Spin on the entire building and this is how he slowly destroyed the entire building... The Team Rocket members who were evil got burnt and Mega Blaziken helped Mega Mewtwo X escape out of there... Now Mewtwo had completely regained his consciousness... It flew away... Blaziken smiled happily as it saw another innocent pokemon escape out of the wrath of Team Rocket...

He returned home to a giant cave and saw someone familiar standing there... It was Lucario... He smiled as he saw Mega Blaziken. 'You were right, my friend, she was not nice...' Lucario said with tears in his eyes 'I should have trusted you...' Mega Blaziken was so happy to see Mega Lucario again. Tears of joy emerged out of both of their eyes as they hugged each other... 

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