Absol Goes Missing

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Mega Lucario wanted to train with Mega Absol but still couldn't find him. 'Why can't I find him?' Mega Lucario thought... He quickly called everyone else and told them about this. 'This organization is very suspicious and that's why I told you all not to merge with them!' Mega Charizard X said 'Now you see what happened?' 'Well, you only disagreed with coming here but never gave a point explaining why we shouldn't come here...' Diancie said. 'Charizard is right...' Mega Salamence told. Diancie Mega Evolved. 'We will have to find him all by ourselves...' she told as she started searching... All the others started searching too... Mega Charizard X went up high in the sky. 'Let's see if this organization transported him somewhere else with a helicopter...' He told Mega Lucario before he flew high up into the cloudy sky. After some minutes he came down but still couldn't find Absol... A member of S.S.R suddenly came and asked them "What happened? What are you all searching for?" 'Our missing friend who you have abducted...' Mega Scizor said. The member narrowed his eyes. 'Why would be abduct your friend?' he asked 'What would we gain from that?' 'Money...' Mega Scizor replied. 'We are not that type of an organization...' the member replied 'We are not some evil organization who will get money from catching and selling pokemons!' He was one of those members who didn't know Giovanni was the boss of S.S.R and that S.S.R was under Team Rocket... 'Then where is Mega Absol?' Mega Scizor asked. 'I DON'T KNOW!' the member yelled. 'As expected from humans...' Scizor told with a sigh... The member narrowed his eyes as he told "I will quickly tell the others about this and they will start searching Mega Absol too..." He ran to the upper floors... The Mega Pokemons kept searching for Mega Absol... He quickly went up and told a member "Mega Absol has gone missing! Do something! Find him!" That member smiled. 'He must have gone missing because he must have had found out about who the boss of this organization is....' he said. The first member narrowed his eyes. 'What do you mean?' he asked 'Are you saying that whoever finds out the identity of the boss of this organization dies? Why? Who is it? WHO IS IT! I HAVE TO KNOW TODAY! WHO IS IT?????' The second member smiled as he said "Giovanni... The Leader of Team Rocket..." The first member widened his eyes as suddenly he heard a gunshot. He had been shot. 'As you told, whoever finds out the identity.... DIES!' the member told as he saw the member he just shot fall to the ground. 'Only some people here know about it...' the member told... He smiled... 

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